
Dear entrepreneurs!

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I congratulate you on the fourth anniversary of the formation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken"!

On 9th of September 2013, on behalf of the Head of State, an organization was formed in Kazakhstan, which united all domestic business following the example of the advanced countries of the world.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs set the task of protecting and defending the interests of entrepreneurs at all levels. To involve businessmen in the process of forming legislative rules of work, to improve the business climate together.

During the period of activity, we together managed to achieve significant results!

Thousands of problematic issues were solved, systemic administrative barriers were eliminated, and important amendments were made to the legislative acts of the country. All of them are aimed at improving the conditions for the Kazakh business, increasing competitiveness, facilitating entry into new markets.

In the person of the National Chamber, businessmen received a reliable partner and a strong negotiating power with the Government. Atameken has become a launching pad for start-up entrepreneurs, an assistant in matters of professional competence, the introduction of the best world practices at their enterprises. I am confident that together we will continue to follow the chosen course and reach new heights in the matter of representation and protection of our common interests.

I wish you success, prosperity and prosperity!


Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev

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