
Digitalization of the transport and logistics system will increase competitiveness

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Innovations in transport and logistics were discussed at Atameken

On 11 of September at “Atameken” was held the meeting of the Subcommittee on transport logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken". The event was attended by Yury Lavrinenko, Deputy Chairman of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK “Atameken”, Director of the Logistics and Transportation Department of NCE RK “Atameken” Rustana Dzhenalinov, Chairman of the Subcommittee for Transport Logistics, Yerhat Iskaliyev, representatives of industry associations, business community and stakeholders.

"There are several issues on the agenda. Approval of the Work Plan of the Subcommittee on transport logistics, discussion of innovations in the transport and logistics industry, development of multimodal transport and "soft infrastructure". Also consideration of the issue on amending the composition of the Subcommittee on transport logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken"", - the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics stated, opening the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting it was noted that "Atameken" conducts a survey among entrepreneurs on problem issues in transport logistics such as Agro-logistics, Promlogistics, Retail Logistics (retail).

"A pulse has been made to study the needs, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has already begun work on the project and implementation of measures. It is necessary that these recommendations be sent to the appropriate authorities, say, to the Ministry of Agriculture, if it concerns agro-industrial complex", - explained Yerkhat Iskaliyev.

The speaker noted that digitalization is now financed by the state and the Subcommittee on transport logistics will consider the list of projects that are needed for transport.

"The idea to digitize all infrastructure facilities that are run by different authorities, including in transport, customs and KTZh is very relevant. It is necessary that everything is niform with the subsequent connection of different applications that will improve transport logistics. Similar work is carried out within the framework of the "Intelligent Transport System", but this is only a small part", - the speaker added.

 The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics also noted that work is in progress with the Ministry of Education to improve logistics programs.

General Director of SVS Group Vladimir Brown spoke about his company's work and innovations in automotive transportation, process automation.


"Now our platform product is being implemented, which registers the official carrier, digitizes the process of its operation, i.e. identifies each driver, the directions of transportation, makes diagnostics of the vehicle, etc. Thus, we make the service for transportation. Many private traders who use platforms. The system works", - stressed Vladimir Brown.

The speaker also added that such innovations in the industry will strengthen the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's auto carriers. And in this process, a big role is given to the synergy of the work of the Transport Union of Kazakhstan "Kazlogistics" with NCE RK "Atameken".

The representative of LLP “Globalink Loistics”, Rustem Zhumagaliev, noted:

"Today, significant financing and investments go into the development of heavy infrastructure, while there is  limited or insufficient funding for the introduction of digital technologies in tax, customs and other state control bodies for the development of a "single window" which will be available to all citizens, in particular the private sector, for better planning, coordination and support of the economic development of the country. "

He also added that investments in "soft infrastructure" will help develop ecosystem in the service sector of Kazakhstan, which will significantly affect the private sector, which imports, exports, produces and maintains trade relations with domestic, regional and global markets, the speaker added. In this regard, "it is necessary to create more perfect interfaces between the state and citizens through the development of legislation that is friendly to business and the overall development of the digital economy", - Rustem Dzhumagaliyev added.

Rustan Dzhenalinov, Managing Director and Director of the Department of Logistics and Transportation of NCE RK, noted that "now there is a joint Working Group under the Ministry of Investment and Development on the development of transport policy, which addresses existing problems in all modes of transport and makes appropriate decisions".

He also added that the members of the Subcommittee should present problematic issues in logistics for discussion at this Working Group with the participation of relevant state bodies and industry associations.

At the end of the meeting, the Subcommittee's Work Plan was approved by the unanimous decision of the members of the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics. On the issue of widespread digitization of the economy, the Subcommittee decided to hold a meeting with the participation of business entities to develop proposals for the draft Concept on soft infrastructure.

Also, the Subcommittee recommended the Committee of Logistics and Transportation of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" to make changes to the composition of 5 new members representing the business community.

The work of the Subcommittee on transport logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" is aimed at ensuring the protection of entrepreneurs' rights in the field of transport logistics and promoting the competitiveness of domestic transport and logistics companies.


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