
Businessmen of Atyrau asked to connect infrastructure to the industrial zone

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Prime Minister of Kazakhstan listened to entrepreneurs during the working meeting in the region. Within the framework of the working visit to Atyrau region, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev met with members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs on the development of small and medium business in the region, as well as attraction of entrepreneurs to digitalization of oil and gas branch of the country. Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted that the Government is carrying out a comprehensive work to attract business to the implementation of the Third Modernization of the Economy, which was declared the Head of State. Work is under way to create a system of appropriate incentives for entrepreneurs, among them the improvement of the regulatory framework, reducing costs for the digital transformation of enterprises, creating favorable conditions for attracting investments in digital projects.

At the meeting, businessmen touched upon the need to create an industrial zone in the region and to include benefits for its participants in the new draft law.

I would like to note that in some regions there are industrial zones that gave impetus to the development of local production. We have only a special economic zone "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark", which was created for the development of chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as a business incubator for small businesses, which requires major repairs", - said the member of the Regional Council, director of LLP "Group of Companies Bereke” Aset Tuyakbaev.

According to the regional akim Nurlan Nogayev, for today a plot of 240 hectares is assigned to the new industrial zone along the Atyrau-Astrakhan republican highway. Now there is a calculation of the feasibility study of the facility. The general director of LLP Caspian Sea Support, Nurasil Dzharbasov, complained that the subjects of natural monopolies do not fulfill the requirements of para. 24 art. 7 of the Law "On Natural Monopolies and Regulated Markets", obliging to publish on a quarterly basis on their Internet resources information on the availability of free and available capacities.

As a result, there are numerous facts of abuse when issuing technical conditions for connections to their networks. According to the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the position of NCE is currently supported, according to which the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Natural Monopolies" in the new version intends to create a normative legal act on the procedure for carrying out activities of natural monopolies, conditions should be spelled out in detail.

"The draft law includes a rule on the procedure for posting information on the reserve of free technical capacity of regulated services and the scheme for placing networks or other assets necessary to provide regulated services, with the exception of information relating to state secrets", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

Alya Bekkuzhieva, Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region, asked the Prime Minister to provide financial resources for entrepreneurs who were left without infrastructure due to the abolition of the state program "Employment Road Map-2020".

"As part of the implementation of "Employment Road Map - 2020" program since 2011 in the region, 2,532 entrepreneurs received loans, and 144 facilities were provided with engineering infrastructure with funds from the republican budget. But this year the program was abolished. As a result, 44 business entities in Atyrau region have been left without infrastructure. Basically, this is the rural population", - Aliya Bekkuzhiyeva said.

During the meeting, entrepreneurs also voiced a number of other issues. As part of his trip to the region, Bakytzhan Sagintayev also held a meeting on technological modernization of oil and gas enterprises within the framework of the President's Address "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness", and also visited a number of regional enterprises.

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