
The investigation into the violation of competition rules was successfully completed in favor of the Kazakh company

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The rights of domestic entrepreneurs in the market of the EAEU are protected in accordance with competition rules. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" informs that within the framework of the session of the Board the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter - the Commission) a positive decision has been made on imposing a fine on OJSC "Novolipetsk Steel" and OJSC “VIZ-Stal”, which abused the dominant position in the segment of electro-technical anisotropic steel. The appeal was made by the Kazakh company.

It should be recalled that, according to the Treaty on the EAEU, general rules of competition are defined, which prohibit abuse of the dominant position of economic entities, collusion, speculation, prohibits vertical agreements between economic entities, if such agreements lead or may lead to the establishment of resale prices for goods or such an agreement stipulates the buyer's obligation not to sell the product of the entity that is the competitor of the seller, etc.

"Understanding the importance of the created tool in 2015, the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation was concluded between NCE RK "Atameken" and the Eurasian Commission, in the implementation of which the Working Group was established. Based on this document, Atameken monitors the state of the competition market, the assessment of the situation and the conditions of doing business in cross-border markets. To date, the Commission has before it two appeals from the Chamber", - commented Board Member Dana Zhunusova.

The appeal of JSC "Kentau Transformer Plant" was received on August 5, 2016 and concerned the violation of general rules of competition in relation to JSC Novolipetsk Steel and JSC VIZ-Stal on the grounds of using a dominant position. Based on the results of the investigation, which was conducted in 2016 for the period of violation starting from January 2015 to July 2016, violations of the general competition rules in the commodity market were established, the geographical boundaries of which are the territories of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. As the results of the investigation showed, the share of participation of two economic entities from the Russian Federation, of which 36 companies from the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus are buyers, amounted to 99.9% in total. At the same time, using its dominant position on the market and practically the absence of alternative producers, Russian companies established an additional condition for the formation of an ultimate overpriced commodity price.

"I would like to note the professional and operational work of EEC anti-monopoly bloc under the guidance of the Member of the Board (Minister) for Competition and Antimonopoly Regulation of EEC Kusainov M.A. The made decision is historical from the point of view of applying the mechanism of exercising powers to control compliance with general rules of competition. Moreover, it is encouraging that this decision was made at the request of a Kazakhstani diligent entrepreneur, despite the opposition from Russian counterparts", - Dana Zhunusova said.

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