
The product week "Made in Kazakhstan" was held in Moscow

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The Eurasian food platform EXPORT-2017 started in Moscow.

On 10th of October the Eurasian food platform EXPORT-2017 was launched in Moscow jointly with the manufacturers of 25 countries. Within the framework of the forum-platform the fair of the best Kazakhstani goods "Food Week" MADE IN QAZAQSTAN "was held at the site of the Eurasian Economic Zone of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The EAEU-EXPO site is located in FOOD CITY - Russia's largest food agro-cluster.

The organizers of the fair are NCE RK "Atameken", Union of Entrepreneurs of EAEU "Eurasian Business Union", Association of Trade Enterprises of Kazakhstan, Federation of quality control system of Kazakhstani goods and services "Halyk Markasy", Association of "Russian-Kazakh Commonwealth", trade representation under the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation. The event was also supported by the MNE RK.

One of the main goals of the fair is to create a platform for establishing long-term and mutually beneficial relations between producers and consumers of Kazakh food products, signing export contracts, signing agreements, memorandums of cooperation.

The event was held with the participation of Kazakhstani commodity producers, wholesale suppliers of RK, wholesale companies and representatives of retail trade networks of the Russian Federation, processors, logistics and transport companies, representatives of public organizations, business communities, national cultural centers of the Kazakh diaspora in Russia. About 32 Kazakhstani companies presented their products on the Russian site.

During the fair, round tables, negotiation platforms for exporters and consumers of Kazakh food products, presentations of investment opportunities in the agricultural and food industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan were organized.

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