
Timur Kulibayev there should be an honest dialogue in matters of taxation

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"Atameken" will work to ensure that the tax burden on business does not increase.

A meeting of the Regional Council took place in Karaganda, at which the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Board of "Atameken" Ablay Myrzahmetov, Akim of Karaganda region Yerlan Koshanov, members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and businessmen participated.

In his speech, Timur Kulibayev spoke about the ongoing work to address the systemic problems of business. NCE participates in the improvement of legislative norms directly affecting entrepreneurship.

"In the proposed draft tax code, we are trying to reduce the social tax by 1.5%, so that the threshold for VAT registration does not change, the VAT refund procedure is simplified. In general, Atameken is working to ensure that the tax burden on business does not increase and it is very important that the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan agreed with our approaches", - Timur Kulibayev said.

The head of Atameken stressed that paying taxes is a direct duty of businessmen, but in this process there should be an "honest and equal dialogue", and the interests of entrepreneurs should be protected as much as possible. "Tax and customs payments are something that unites entrepreneurs and state bodies. If this process is clear and transparent, then we will move in the direction indicated by the Head of State", - said Timur Kulibayev.

The great achievement of Atameken, according to Kulibayev, was the exclusion of the article on "pseudo-entrepreneurship" from the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, questions remained about the penalties and fines already assessed. According to the National Chamber, 2/3 of them will go to cuts, so the money will not go away from the turnover of businessmen. Now the question of applying a "tax amnesty" in relation to such counterparties is being raised.

Timur Kulibayev also told that the training project "Bastau Business", developed on the initiative of the National Council, became a real chance for the population to open their business. That's proof - the new projects that now appear in all areas of the country. In addition, schools will introduce a new subject - the "basics of entrepreneurship and business", which will help to establish entrepreneurial thinking from an early age. Separately, the Chairman of NCE RK Atameken touched upon the issue of social responsibility.

"Many entrepreneurs supported the appeal of the Head of State through the support of social projects in the regions. We, on our part, ask the akimats not to stay aloof. Identify projects for which there are not enough resources in the budget. After all, I know that we have a huge number of businessmen who are engaged in charity and are ready to support. Now we are working to ensure that the existing award "Paryz" was a state award, and we could encourage businessmen at the state level", - Timur Kulibayev said.

At the end of the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the issues of efficient solution of system problems of entrepreneurs in the region.

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