
The questions of consignors are taken under control

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The need of the RK's consignors in rolling stock is brought to public discussion On 30th of October, a working meeting was held at Atameken site under the chairmanship of Eldos Ramazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE RK Atameken with the participation of the management of JSC "NC" KTZ ", representatives of state bodies and the business community, including from the regions of Kazakhstan through videoconferencing.

"On the agenda of the meeting is a very important issue: supply of the freight forwarders of Kazakhstan with rolling stock", - opened the meeting, Yeldos Ramazanov noted that discussions with JSC "NC" KTZ "on this issue have been conducted and there is understanding about the need for a joint settlement of the situation.

"During the week they studied all the questions. It was revealed that the same pseudo-operators are working between these transportations. A lot of people got hooked into this system, without assets - by intermediary services. In this connection, they create an added value on the covered rolling stock. I want to assure you that since July JSC "KTZH - Cargo transportation" has not raised the price. It is necessary to enter into contracts directly", said Oralkhan Kulakov, Executive Director-President of JSC “KTZH - Cargo Transportation”, stating the possible reasons for the shortage of wagons.

Speaker proposed to conclude contracts directly and take covered wagons for rent, then all possible intermediaries will leave.

During the discussion, businessmen from Kostanay region expressed their concern over the situation.

"According to the planned indicators for October. 634 applications for shipment were submitted, and only 92 wagons were provided. There is a shortage of 528 wagons for grain trucks, 915 wagons are not received on covered wagons. Due to the shortage of wagons, millers stop their production. Agricultural producers are forced to cut prices due to lack of demand for grain. In the direction of Uzbekistan, there is a tariff increase", said Murat Abenov, director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay region.

Director of RCE of Akmola region Kairat Sultanov spoke about the situation on behalf of representatives of regional business.

"When the meeting was held in Atbasar, there was information that the Russians bought all the cars, but it turned out that they were just rented. Therefore, it is important to inform everyone about everything. There are many systemic issues, due to misunderstanding", - said Kayrat Sultanov.

The businessman from Atbasar complained about the fines imposed by JSC "KTZH - Cargo Transportation" for non-implementation of the Plan for the formation of wagons (SU-12), when the failure of the Plan occurred due to the failure to provide wagons or providing wagons a few hours before the end of the 10-day deadline. In turn, Oralkhan Kulakov replied that the railway is working on regulatory documents.

"This is the Law on Transport, the rules for the carriage of goods. The consignor signs the contract, he agrees with the decade and so on. There is an opportunity to conclude separate agreements within the civil society, we are ready to explain this work. Since 2012, the Automated Management System "Contractual and Commercial Work", where all the issues have been withdrawn. We are studying the issues of corruption risks, "said Executive Director-President of KTZ - Cargo Transportation JSC.

JSC Kaztorgtrans from Kostanay region asked a question about the lack of cars for export.

"We have at the moment major contracts, but to ensure that they need to increase volumes. Is there any guarantee for the provision of wagons? ", - asked Kostanay businessman.

During the meeting, Oralkhan Kulakov noted the need to switch to deregulation of tariffs for locomotive traction services for container transportation.

"If they transport flour in containers, we can increase the geography of supply. It is possible to combine intermodal transport. In covered wagons, grain will be transported to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, where there is demand. Also, loading in direction of China is taken under control", - Oralkhan Kulakov said.

Eldos Ramazanov noted that a meeting on deregulation of container shipments had been held earlier.

"We are ready to once again hold a separate meeting with the participation of KTZH representatives on the issue of transferring containers to deregulation if the business is ready", - said Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

A representative of the Timiryazevsky mill from Petropavlovsk raised the question that in September he received 60 wagons, in October only 35. The figures are getting smaller. "How should we work?" How to create conditions? I'm 25 years connected with the railways. I can say that the last 3-4 years the conditions are getting worse. Simple cars are idle, 2,500 km pass, 60 km remains and three days stand. They say that there are no diesel locomotives or something else. Sometimes there are idling cars on the driveways. For each client of KTZh, you need to keep questionnaires and watch how carriages move, which he took, "the businessman from Petropavlovsk suggested. Marat Shaikenov, Vice President for Operations of JSC KTZH-Cargo Transportation, answered the question.

"On the ground, the heads of the department are following this. 33 locomotive are ready and standing idle. Kostanay, Akmola regions were given dispatching locomotives, everyone goes there", - said Marat Shaikenov.

In turn, General Director of the STK "Kazlogistics" Kanat Almagambetov added that every year in October and November this situation is repeated, this year was no exception.

"The railway should appoint a headquarters, add a conference call for Kazakhstan, put forward specific proposals-solutions to the issues. With grain growers, together with representatives of the regional akimats, negotiate how many cars are needed so that there is no rush. In the regions, the situation is clearly transparent. The game should not go into one gates. It is difficult for both consignors and railways. On the other hand, the client has the right to choose, they dictate this situation. Fluctuation of prices should not occur. It is clear that the process is temporary, but also manageable", - says Kanat Almagambetov. Yevgeny Gan, president of the Union of Grain Processors and Bakers of Kazakhstan, said that we want it or not, in September-December there is a mass transportation of grain and flour.

"Therefore, to say that the collapse only this year is wrong. The harvest is not more than last year. Transportation and consumers are basically the same. I still guess that none of the millers took part in the restructuring, the reorganization of KTZH as a whole. If one of the shippers goes to the middlemen, it's not from a good life. Because there is no absolute guarantee that they would like to have, "said Yevgeny Gan. He also stressed that the transparency of the processes was lost.

"We lost contact. It's all really a system. To date, the biggest problem is that carriers and senders have begun to live on their own. And they began to blame each other, and not work together. On Friday and Saturday, we did so much, organizing joint meetings, which we had to do over the past 3-4 years. We need a headquarters, working groups, so that we can work on the ground, save those carriers and senders that are transported throughout the year. We suggested that we are ready to ship on weekends, provided that all other services will work. I would like to get together in 10 days, that is, we agreed today, and see what has changed over this time", - suggested Eugene Gan.

"Under the preliminary agreement with the leadership of KTZH, it is necessary to sign an agreement between KTZH and Atameken and create working groups, operational headquarters in the regions under the leadership of the KTZH-Cargo branches" - the Regional Branch of the State Enterprise, with the participation of the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs and the regional rural administrations economy and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, "- summed up the meeting Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK" Atameken ".​

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