
A seminar on the organization of labor standards for businessmen was held at "Atameken"

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On 31st of October 2017 at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a seminar "Organization of labor standards in the economic sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The seminar was held in the format of a videoconference. The seminar was attended by representatives of the business community of the regions, industry associations, representatives of the financial sector, trade unions. Full economic independence or freedom of entrepreneurship, characteristic of a market economy, along with the choice of product range (services), organizational and legal forms and management structures, financial planning and other business and production issues, presupposes independence in managing the number of personnel, selection of personnel, choice forms and systems of labor remuneration and methods of its organization, in resolving questions of replacement and revision of norms and other tasks of rationing.

This means that in modern conditions the direction of the solution of labor issues is transferred to the level of the enterprise. Since the 90s, most enterprises have reduced the units of rationing and stopped developing this function. So far, the question of optimizing resources and improving labor efficiency has not been raised sharply. Realizing that without a balanced scientific approach to the organization of labor in the current situation, it is simply not possible to survive, more and more employers are thinking about reviving the labor standardization in the company. However, there are very few practitioners in this area left in the country, and young personnel are not trained. Since January 1, 2016, the new Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been put into effect. The provisions of this Code have made changes in almost all aspects of labor relations, including labor standards. Article 101 of the Labor Code provides for the right of employers to independently develop, introduce, replace and revise labor standards, taking into account the organization of labor, technology and technology.

The clause 7 of this article established that the standard norms and labor standards developed and approved by industry associations, and uniform and intersectoral model norms and labor standards for all spheres of activity are approved by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the RK in agreement with the representatives of employees in the manner established by the authorized state body. NCE and industry associations have never had any functions to develop and approve labor norms and standards, and the implementation of this code of the Labor Code currently causes certain difficulties, since it requires the presence of specialists dealing with issues of rationing and remuneration, experience in development and database on norms and specifications on work. To realize these functions, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" together with LLP "Center for the optimization of labor relations" conducted a training seminar "Organization of labor standards in the sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for enterprises and associations.

LLP "Center for the optimization of labor relations" since 2003, carries out innovative, research and implementation activities in the field of rationing and remuneration.

Attention of the participants of the seminar was brought to methods of normalizing labor, in which cases each of them is applicable in practice, specific algorithms for using the most popular methods of rationing. The main stages of certification of workplaces, comprehensive assessment of workplaces, selection of indicators, determination of the number of staff. The participants of the seminar agreed that today the practice of labor standardization is still very far from the theory, and therefore a lot of work has to be done to promote scientific methods of labor standardization.

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