
Entrepreneurs will undergo training on fundamentals of the stock market

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On 8th of November in Almaty starts courses of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken" in conjunction with the Kazakhstani Stock Exchange (KASE) from 13.30 to 18.00 in the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Almaty (Almaty, 111 Gogol Street). It is planned to train employees of financial and legal departments on the topic "Fundamentals of the stock market". The training will cover the issues of awareness of workers of Kazakhstani companies about the domestic stock market. The training program will allow students to get practical knowledge on attracting financing in the stock market as an alternative tool to bank loans. The main speakers will be KASE experts and consultants of leading Kazakhstan brokerage companies. Training is free. Training program. On all questions, please contact the curator of the project: Elvira Sarsenbaeva +7 777 444 2326;


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