
Nurzhan Altaev was appointed vice minister of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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As deputy chairman of the Board, Nurzhan Altaev took an active part in the development of the state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex for 2017-2021.

At Atameken, he promoted questions on the export of domestic goods, the development of SMEs and the trade sector. It should be noted that one of the results of fruitful work in the field of livestock production was the conclusion of an agreement on the supply of mutton to the market of Iran and the Arab Emirates. An agreement was reached on the export of frozen mutton to China.

In addition, an online access to the world markets via the Zoodel site was enables, as well as the opportunity for Kazakh farmers to promote goods through the global retail network Wal-Mart.

Nurzhan Altaev also supervised the work of the Center for Agricultural competencies, whose task was to train entrepreneurs in the field of agro-industrial complex, involving the best Kazakhstani and foreign industry experts. More than 800 seminars were organized on the basis of peasant farms, where 14.5 thousand people were trained. The agrarians' knowledge is now successfully applied in practice.

Atameken is a serious social elevator, for those who want to realize their ideas, to help, to translate their ideas into reality. Many children from the regions do not always easily pass through any requirements. But "Atameken" is a unique organization, where anyone, starting from the district center, can reach a very serious level and to succeed as a professional", - said Nurzhan Altaev. Nurzhan Altaev thanked the management and the staff of NCE RK "Atameken" for joint fruitful work and the given opportunity to implement the planned business support plans.

"The experience gained at Atameken is invaluable. I am glad that I worked side by side with the supervising staff of the National Chamber, with the staff, I received new knowledge and skills. It was the work at Atameken that made it possible to understand the real picture of the state of the country's agro-industrial complex, understand the wishes and urgent needs of farmers and entrepreneurs", - says Nurzhan Altaev.


Born in 1978 in South-Kazakhstan region.

• Graduated from “Kaynar” University in 1999, South-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov (2004), Academic innovation university (2012).

 • Started his professional career in 2003 as a deputy principal on students’ issues of SKSU named after M.Auezov.

• 2004-2007 – Leading specialist of the Department of International Law of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

• 2007-2010 – Manager, General Manager, Member of the Board - Director of the Legal Department, a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "NC SEC" Ontustyk".

 • 2010-2011 – Head of the Department of Business and Industry of South Kazakhstan region.

• 2011-2012 – Deputy General Director of "Regional investment center "Maximum".

• From 2012 to 2013 – director of LLP “Centre for servicing entrepreneurs in SKR”.

• From 2013 to March 2014 held the post of director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region.

• From March 2014 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken".


Medal "For Excellent Service in Ensuring Law and Order" MIA RK (2007)

Medal "20 Years of Independence of Kazakhstan" (2011)

Medal "For Fidelity to Business" III degree - For special personal merits in development of economy and private entrepreneurship (2013)

Medal "Batyr Shapagaty for great public work in supporting veterans and providing charitable assistance to the disabled of the Afghan war" (2014)

Medal of honor commemorated the 10th anniversary of the Kazakhstani Association of Oil and Gas and Energy Complexes "KAZENERGY" (2015)

Medal "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" (2016)

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