
Vote for the best domestic exporter of goods and services

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Selection of applicants for awarding the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli" started on 9th of November  Kazakhstani residents in the period from 9 to 19 of November this year will be able to participate in the online voting on the selection of applicants for the umbrella brand "Uly dala eli".

As early as 13th of June 2017, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" announced the holding of a tender for the award of the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly dala eli" in order to form an umbrella brand and its promotion in foreign markets. Within the framework of the competition, applications of potential participants were considered and 12 applicants were selected, their commission was visited by their production. Based on the results of the visits, 6 applicants were determined, and they were taken to the online voting. Everyone can take part in voting by clicking on the link. The initiative of the Head of State N. Nazarbayev on the "Uly dala eli" concept for promoting national brands of Kazakhstani goods and services producers were actively supported by the business community. The emblem "Uly Dala Eli" will allow to combine high-quality products and services under a single brand, becoming the "business card" of the country. On the one hand, it will become a serious incentive for producers, especially taking into account additional opportunities and preferences for the winners, on the other, the image and recognition of Kazakhstan on the international arena will increase.

On 28th of July 2017 in Astana was held the III forum of domestic commodity producers "Uly dala eli". The main idea of the forum is to provide an opportunity for domestic producers to discuss with the major customers (customers) products the issues of improving quality and promoting products. For the first time, the organizers spoke about NCE RK "Atameken" and "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu". More information about the Forum can be found on the official website




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