
Germany participates in the education system of Kazakhstan

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Development of professional qualifications based on dual training according to international standards On 10th November was held  the Forum of NCE RK "Atameken" on the topic "Development of professional qualifications based on dual training" in Astana. Dual training is the training of skilled workers on the basis of close cooperation between enterprises and colleges: pupils are trained to a certain trade at the workplace by a craftsmen. The dual system solves two problems at once - combines in the educational process both theoretical and practical training. Simultaneously with the studies, students master the chosen profession directly at the workplace, that is, they study at once in two places: 1-2 days a week in college, the rest of the time - at the enterprise.

Chairman of the Committee for Social Sphere and Social Partnership of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Talgat Doskenov noted that the Head of State set a global goal for the development of human capital, the compliance of the competences of trades with labor market requirements.

"We studied this direction at the international level. The most successful experience in improving the competence of students for technical and vocational education was in Germany. Thanks to the cooperation and high competence of German colleagues, the program was mastered in Kazakhstan. A huge number of Kazakh colleges was involved in training, no region was left without attention", - said the Chairman of the Committee of Social Sphere and Social Partnership of the Presidium of  NCE RK "Atameken".

He added that due to the project a mentoring system is developed in Kazakhstan. People who have both professional and global experience share their knowledge - this is another channel for the development of human capital.

"The project showed that it is necessary to use the achievements that are in the world. The work of the National Chamber in this area will be continued", - the speaker explained.

The Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of NCE “Atameken”, Lyazzat Shonaeva, spoke about the work within the framework of the agreement signed on 6th of May 2015 on the implementation of the partner project for vocational training with the Chamber of Commerce of Trier.

"Project activity acts as the most effective and unique form of integrative nature, accumulating various types of cooperation around itself, it is defined as a complete completed cycle of productive innovation activities of a group of countries", - the expert stressed.

The project was developed in 2014 and is aimed at strengthening the role of enterprises, Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs in the organization of dual training, the use of specific mechanisms of the Chamber of Crafts in the organization of production training.

"The main goal of the project is to promote a steady increase in the level of professional training at the request of enterprises based on enterprises and colleges in Kazakhstan. The project is implemented in 6 regions and is coordinated by the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs in Astana and Almaty, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan and Almaty Regions. Enterprises were included in 7 popular professions: builder, finisher, woodworker, tourism manager, electrician, turner, cook, electric gas welder and corresponding colleges specialties ", - said in her speech Lyazzat Shonaeva.

President of the Chamber of Commerce of Trier (Germany) Rudolf Müller first came to Kazakhstan in 2009.

"The project is especially important for colleges, because they are striving to modernize their curricula, documentation and methodology. It is also a new opportunity for enterprises that can participate in the reform of education. All involved parties in the project have the opportunity to establish communication among themselves. Yesterday we met with one of the colleges in Almaty. I was impressed with the results that the project could achieve in these 3 years, it combined theory and practice. In Germany, this system of education has developed for decades, even centuries. In Kazakhstan, for such a short period, great results were achieved", - Rudolf Mueller commented.

The participant of the Forum, the president of the Association of Chefs of Astana Rustam Imamniyazov shared his opinion about the dual training system.


"We actively cooperate with colleges for getting professionals: cook, cook-baker, cook-confectioner. Guys can quickly learn practical skills, which is beneficial for the employer. A graduate will find a job faster if he is already prepared. Our task is to support this program. We are only now starting to participate. At the first stage, the guys of 1 course come and 60% of the time is paid to work in production, 40% to the theory. Almost a year later they go out to work. Practice is always more useful", - Rustam Imamniyazov said.

During the Forum, the speakers spoke about the organizational and methodological tools for training in the workplace, international partners shared their experience in training and retraining demanded personnel on the basis of training enterprises.

Chairman of the Committee of Social Sphere and Social Partnership of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Talgat Doskenov, Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of NCE RK "Atameken" Lyzzat Shonaeva, President of the Chamber of Crafts of the City of Trier (Germany) Rudolf Muller, the head of the Trier Partnership Project, Elfrida Wagner, as well as representatives of the business community, state bodies and international partners participated in the event.

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