
Deputies expressed gratitude to "Atameken"

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The Law on Administrative Offenses takes into account Atameken's proposals. The deputies approved the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses at the plenary session of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and submitted for consideration to the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Atameken took an active part in drafting the provisions of the bill aimed at protecting the rights and interests of an unlimited number of business entities.

100 meetings of working groups were held in between NCE RK "Atameken", interested government agencies on the site of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan since February 2016, 24 meetings were held in the Mazhilis of the Parliament jointly with the deputies. Head of the working group, member of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Arman Kozhakhmetov expressed gratitude to the National Chamber for active and joint work. The draft law was developed on behalf of the Head of State. The main goal of the draft law is the further humanization of administrative and tort legislation.

Taking into account the proposals of NCE RK "Atameken", the draft law provides for: a reduction in the size of admissions for 157 components by an average of 30%; distribution of the institute of reduced production to legal entities, which is one of the significant innovations for business. In more than 350 formulations, it is envisaged for legal entities to pay a fine with a 50% discount within 7 days; the possibility for the staff of RCE to protect the rights and interests of SP in the courts; expansion of the institution of application of the warning.

Now there are 52 articles instead of 14; the introduction of an institution of exemption from liability with a minor offense. Now businesses will not be imposed huge fines for minor acts that did not damage the state; in 18 scenarios, the punishment was relaxed and such types of actions were excluded: suspension of the permit, license, deprivation of the license, expression of the penalty in percentage; confiscation of property for 4 compositions is completely excluded, an alternative to confiscation for 3 scenarios in the Code of Administrative  Offenses is introduced; the suspension of not the whole permit t, but only its part; reduction of the limitation period for attracting to administrative authority in the field of finance from 5 to 3 years; provides for the possibility of early renewal of the license / permit, when eliminating violations; an alternative was introduced to suspend business activities, in case of non-compliance with orders, submissions, decisions issued by state bodies; a number of articles were excluded from CAO, which stipulate administrative liability for business. The adoption of the bill is expected before the end of 2017.

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