
Learning to manage: Kazakh entrepreneurs "played" with the Germans

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A seminar on effective management was held at Atameken On 16th of November, a seminar on lobbying "How to represent effectively the interests of professional managers of housing and housing stock" was held at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken". Speakers were the managers of the German housing and communal services: the director of the managing company VEGIS, the chairman of the board of the International Association of Real Estate Management of the MAIN in Belarus Werner Merkel and the project manager of IWO Johann Streze. Opening the seminar, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov noted that the German experience will be useful for Kazakh entrepreneurs from the sphere of housing and communal services.

"We are conducting fruitful cooperation with the German side. Let me remind you that in July this year a big press conference took place, and today this seminar was organized. Entrepreneurs from the sphere of housing and communal services will be interested in studying German experience in the framework of our cooperation and promotion of common ideas", - said Yeldos Ramazanov.

In turn, Johann Streze thanked for the opportunity and presented PRO HOUSE projects.

Chairman of the Board of the Munaishy PCB Darzhigulova Zhamal Saparovna noted that the seminar was interesting, with the active participation of all parties.

"We learned a lot of useful and interesting things, what we can use in practice. There are polar differences between the legislation of Germany and Kazakhstan. For example, in Germany they try to ensure that the owners are not managers of the company, since they may have personal interests. In our legislation, on the contrary, the role of owners prevails, since it is of interest to preserve property", - Zhamal Darzhygulova shared.

Almas Syrlybaev, chairman of the board of the public association Union of proprietors of the self-government of the residential estate Lesnaya Polyana, also shared his opinion about the event.

"In Germany the situation is completely different, including big differences in people's mentality and legislation. Let's say that 47-48% of residents are owners in an apartment building, we have twice as many. Germany has advanced in the sphere of housing and communal services and apartment houses. We should investigate and adopt only the best", - stated Almas Syrlybaev.

The lawyer of the republican public association, the public defender Serik Begaidarov, stressed that in Germany the duties and rights of both the management company and residents and tenants are clearly delineated.

"We received a positive experience in the part of the company's managing director. He was surprised that they check criminal records. Unscrupulous companies come to us in the management of the housing and utilities sector", - Serik Begaydarov said.

During the seminar the speakers spoke about the work of the business intermediary organization in Germany, the management of apartment buildings and what is needed to ensure the interests of the governing unions.

On 31st of May 2017 NCE RK "Atameken" signed an agreement on project cooperation with the IWO-Initiative "Housing in Eastern Europe" (Germany), which is funded by the European Union. Also, on 11th of July 2017, an international conference on "Housing management in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan" was held in "Atameken". The conference was the kick-off event of the three-year cooperation between NCE and German and Uzbek partners.

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