
"Atameken" made a statement at the forum "We are creating Kazakhstani brand"

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Eldos Ramazanov called on the mining sector to act
Atameken implements a project aimed at increasing the share of Kazakh content in production activities and increasing the credibility of domestic producers. This was stated during the Seventh Forum "Creating Kazakhstani brand", Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov encouraged the mining companies of the country to support the initiative.

"As a pilot, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs together with LLP" Eurasian Group "is implementing a joint project on localization of demanded goods by the Eurasian Group. Within the framework of the project, the structure of purchases was analyzed. At the first stage, a list of 11 types of goods in demand is proposed, which are suggested to be localized. The investor, who implements the project, will be guaranteed the sale of goods for the next 5 years, the Eurasian Group will act as the buyer", - said Eldos Ramazanov.

The goal of the project is to support domestic producers (DP) through the development of new products, increase the share of local content in procurement of large enterprises and create new jobs. At the same time, the Eurasian Group within the framework of the project is ready to carry out work on the search for production areas at the enterprises of the Eurasian Group for organizing production at the expense of  funds and forces of DP, to consider the issues of organizing joint production with DP, for the commodity positions that are proposed for the localized production.

"On behalf of Atameken, I urge other large mining companies to support the initiative and join it. I believe that the tasks of increasing the local content set by the Head of State are feasible only through joint efforts of the business community", - the speaker called.

We will add that today meetings with manufacturers are held, industrial tests are carried out for individual commodity items.

During the forum, the participants visited the exhibition of domestic enterprises and suppliers of Kazakhstani products.

It should be noted that for 7 years the event became a nationwide dialogue platform for international and domestic suppliers to discuss products, deliveries, introduction of new technologies and other types of cooperation. This year, the problems of systemic measures to support the enterprises of MMC in the territory of our country, increase the competitiveness of their goods and services, support to Kazakhstani producers, and the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the regions were discussed.

The event was attended by more than 600 delegates, including representatives of national companies, large subsoil users, banks and funds, development institutions, state bodies, ministries and akimats of the regions.

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