
The forum dedicated to the judicial protection of business rights was launched in Astana

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The forum, which is held in the Supreme Court on "Improving the effectiveness of judicial protection of rights and legitimate business interests", is attended by Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Kairat Mami.

The event is also attended by MPs, judges, representatives of central government bodies, national companies, non-governmental organizations and experts. By means of videoconferencing from the regions judges of local courts, representatives of state bodies and business community are connected.

Within the framework of the Forum, there will be a discussion of judicial practice in the consideration of problematic issues of entrepreneurs, as well as the signing of the Roadmap in the format of the Joint Action Plan of the Supreme Court and NCE RK “Atameken” for 2018.

In conclusion, the forum participants will get acquainted with the possibilities of the Situational Center of the Supreme Court.

The live broadcast of the Forum can be viewed on the channel Atameken business channel.


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