
Atameken unveils plans for training unemployed and self-employed for the next year

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NCE summed up the results of the Bastau Business project

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Ablay Myrzakhmetov and business trainers from all over the country.

The Bastau Business project is implemented within the framework of the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017-2021. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that any unemployed or self-employed rural resident could undergo a free training in the basics of business within a month, get a loan on preferential terms and open a business.

"We faced the challenge of teaching rural residents to entrepreneurial skills, adapting them to market conditions. These issues pushed to create a pilot project, which was implemented in the Western region of the country. We communicated the concept of this project to the Government, and it actually immediately got on the working track. What is the use of Bastau Business? It helps in a relatively short time to determine the entrepreneurial potential, to open a business, to learn how to plan and develop it. Now, a year later, Bastau Business has proved its effectiveness, the project has become one of the key components of the program", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

This year, 15,000 people from all over Kazakhstan attended the project. The plan for the first year was successfully implemented, noted at the National Chamber, the villagers were trained in entrepreneurship for twelve modules within 30 days. As a result, over 3000 students were able to start their own business. Ablay Myrzakhmetov emphasized the contribution of business trainers to the project implementation.

"You accompanied every participant, from the first steps in your studies, to choosing a business idea and drawing up a business plan. You are the conductors between the participants, the National Chamber, state structures. Of course, it's not easy to find a common language with everyone, keep the audience for a month. And in this respect, of course, each of you is not only a professional, but a real psychologist", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

Today in "Atameken" they speak about incoming applications from those wishing to study next year. Acting as the initiator and organizer of Bastau Business, the National Chamber intends to improve approaches and raise the requirements for the process of training.

"In general, the project was in demand in the regions, residents of the auls took it positively. However, one should not stop at what has been achieved. There are moments that need to be adopted. We intend to improve the processes, we will take into consideration the wishes of the participants themselves. For example, in the Saryagash district, trainings on the topic of greenhouse business are inappropriate, there they have been aware of this since childhood. In Mangistau region on the contrary, the greenhouse business will be in demand, and so the knowledge will be useful. We will also teach listeners to new production technologies, for this we will increase the requirements for business trainers themselves", - said Eldar Zhumagaziev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

Business coaches were able to express their vision for the implementation of the project in 2018, to voice suggestions and wishes. As a result of the event, the coaches who successfully completed the sixth stream of training were awarded with thank you letters from NCE RK "Atameken".


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