
In support of the Kazakhstani IT-companies

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At the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" was held a working meeting of representatives of the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" and the Kazakhstani Association of IT-companies

They discussed issues of possible cooperation between the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" and the Kazakhstani Association of IT-companies to attract domestic software developers and delivery of services by local IT-companies within the implementation of the program of Fund's transformation.

In addition, participants of the meeting voiced their intention of further exploring the issues of joint work in the field of IT-technologies. As said Adamas Ilkyavichyus, Managing Director for Business Transformation of "Samruk-Kazyna", they now attract IT-specialists, since there is potential in the field of IT-technologies in Kazakhstan.

Following the discussions, it was agreed to establish a working group, which will include stakeholders of this meeting. Later at the meetings the working group will continue joint actions in the field of IT. Thus, the upcoming collaboration between the Fund and the Kazakhstani Association of IT-companies will identify areas where the local IT-specialists are ready and able to provide their services.

It should be noted that at all regional chambers of entrepreneurs and in Astana and Almaty, there are working commissions, composed of representatives of the Fund and local entrepreneurs. These sites are open for discussion of issues and can be used within the arrangements in IT-sphere.

According to Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Murat Abenov, all interested professionals should connect to this dialogue, companies and businesses in the field of IT-technologies.

There was made a proposal  - to make presentations of other opportunities of Kazakhstani IT-companies, for example, at the site of a special economic zone "Park of innovative technologies “Alatau” in Almaty.

According to Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov, this will give maximum support to local entrepreneurs, which is one of the main tasks of NCE.

In May of this year NCE RK "Atameken" and the eight subsidiaries of the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" signed a cooperation agreement to promote and to protect the interests of domestic producers.

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