
Women's business. The life of Pavlodar entrepreneur.

- Pavlodar Region
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Business women of the region intensively show their talents in different business directions. And we have some facts to show you. For example, the number of businesses headed by women became more than 45% from the total of existing entrepreneurs.

Raihangul Satabaeva, the regional businesswomen council president told what motivates women-entrepreneurs, what difficulties they face and what is the secret of their success.

-Raihan Kairbaevna, the indicators of the businesswomen entrepreneurial activity show that the women’s activity grows each day and doesn’t slow down. Why is there such a tendency, how do you think?

-You are right. I am glad the woman’s business has its growth. Numbers say for itself. For example, 39 new woman business projects started last year that cost more than 140 millions tenge.

It’s obvious that the measures of support from the government play a big role in the development of the woman entrepreneurship.  With the help of the state programs women develop their business in different economic sectors and also they create new workplaces. They also make a major contribution to the development of the economy of the region and they strive to make a high- quality and competitively products.

I am sure that you should study how to do business. That’s why it is a good idea to study at the Chamber of entrepreneurs attending free learning courses of “Business adviser”, “Business growth”, “Bastau Business”. More than 900 women studied the basis of business and upgraded their qualifications. In addition to the state measures, the regional council of business women plays its role in the development of woman entrepreneurship.

-Please tell me something more about the council’s activity?

-The council has been working for 3 years. The main idea of the council is to support women in entrepreneurship and all the business events are aimed to support these business ladies and to help them with their business initiatives.

I would like to note that particularly rural business women are in need of support.

They are in need of access to information on the measures of government support, the instruments of woman business support in the institutions of development and second level banks.

There is no secret that city entrepreneurs have everything just around the corner, and for their rural colleagues the information is limited. That’s why we created councils in every district.

Moreover, every year the most active members of the council visit women entrepreneurs in distant regions of the country. At these meetings they discuss urgent problems, share their experience, consult each other. Sometimes women just need a proper advice from those who have an experience and want to share it.

For this purpose the chamber holds meetings with the entrepreneurs who have certain experience in business and for those who make their first steps in business development.

-Today a lot of entrepreneurs widen their horizons of their activity, strive to enlarge market areas and seek for the new business opportunities. How does the council assist in this direction?

-Exactly. Modern business tendencies mean that entrepreneurs must be very active and seek for new growth opportunities, and widen cooperation borders.

In 2017 regional council has a new mission to develop woman foreign trade. This direction was defined by the Republic council of business women “Atameken”. In the framework of this direction  in October  the members of the regional council visited Kazakh-Turkish forum for women- entrepreneurs in Istambul.

And in November at my invitation we were visited by the president of women entrepreneurs confederation of Turkey Mrs Nezyaket Emine Atasa. Nowadays we negotiate about business cooperation of both countries.

As I am the honorary consul of the Lithuanian Republic, we also plan to visit an exhibition in Vilnius this year, free trade zone and to hold several bilateral meetings.

-On the Independence Day in Astana your contribution into development and support of entrepreneurship was highly honoured. We congratulate you with the receiving of “Kurmet” decoration.  As a successful businesswoman could you tell us the secret of success of the business ladies?

-Thank you. Frankly speaking, there is no secret. Every business woman is firstly a mother, daughter, sister. We have a lot of stories about women entrepreneurs that we are proud of. They are active in different spheres, they work hard for their families, they are the model to emulate. And the receipt  of success is obvious. It is in the love of your work, you must work hard for your family, believe in your ideas and be the patriot of your country. Our business ladies proved their creativity, entrepreneur’s activity and solvency. They always have original ideas and brave solutions and our council will always help them in the realization of their future plans.

-Thank you for the interesting conversation. We wish further prosperity to the Council of business women!


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