
Business community worried about latest changes in agriculture

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This was announced during “Atameken” session.

Committee’s chairman Ivan Sauer outlines meeting’s agenda: New approaches of The Ministry of Agriculture on financial instruments availability and consideration of the proposed approaches of livestock subsidizing (including agricultural cooperation in the livestock sector).

Deputy Director of the department of investment policy and financial instruments Azamat Hamiyev presented his report on new approaches of financial instruments availability. (download)

At the end of the presentation the participants had a number of questions to clarify.

“The funding instruments are not understandable for everyone, thus I’d like to underline two main business goals. They are farm equipment provision and cheap and long money for each farm development. These are 2 main instruments today”- noted the Chairman of OUYLIP "Union of Potato Growers and Vegetable Growers of Kazakhstan" Kairat Bisetayev.

Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken” underlined that it’s not clear where the funding would come from and where are the guarantees that it will be enough for all industry directions.

“It is not clear how we will make decisions on retrospective projects and how much do we have for these goals in the budget- commented Ablay Myrzahmetov. Constant changes: from one to another industry.  And it is an eternal circle of state programs because development regulations are often being reviewed. We should stop running from side to side changing the game rules”.

The first vice-minister of agriculture Arman Evniyev underlined that there is no rush in such questions that need to be discussed in detail.

“We need to take a break in this question for 2018 and we need to decide what we want to simplify. A number of subsidies must be decreased in 10 times to make it simple and clear. It doesn’t mean that there will be less money, perhaps there will be even more, at least twice. Entrepreneur initiative should be stimulated and there will be a motivation”- says Arman Evniyev.

Vice minister of agriculture Rustem Kurmanov also said that the Ministry will provide understandable information with clarifications on funding instruments.

The director of livestock department Azamat Sagymbayev presented his report on changes in livestock funding.

The representatives of meat and diary union (Sansyzbay Umirbekov), sheep breeding (Tynyshbay Dosymbekov), horse breeding (Serikbay Rzabayev) , beekeeping (Anatoly Dobrovolsky) were heard. They reported that the main share of funding of the project is aimed at meat industry. They ask not to forget about them as they play an important role in the industry.

“Thanks to grain supply Kazakhstan should become the first meat supplier to Russia and China who need 2 millions of pork. State support adjustment will shift some export plans for many years to come”- told the president of “Pig breeding association of Kazakhstan” Mger Terteryan.

Moreover business community representatives were heard.  “Kubley” LLP director Talgat Berekeshev told that it will be impossible for them to subsidy feedlots with 1500 sites. The number of such feedlots throughout the country needs to be considered.

Business representatives told that they will provide Atameken with all necessary costing and estimates on each industry direction for consolidated opinion submission.

“Let’s gather suggestions and arguments, put them down during 2 weeks and give the expert opinion to the Ministry of Agriculture”- suggested Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

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