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April 7, 2018 in the city of Aktau, the III regional Forum of the Business Women Council of Mangistau region was held with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of the "Atameken" NCE RK Timur Kulibayev, the Chairman of the Council of Business Women Lazzat Ramazanova and women entrepreneurs of the region.

In his welcoming speech, Timur Kulibayev emphasized that 42% of women in Kazakhstan are heads of small and medium-sized enterprises.  

"Women in Kazakhstan, as a rule, have an excellent education; they are persevering and ready to develop in all directions. For this purpose, the Council of Business Women was established within the framework of Atameken. Ladies have a comprehensive quality to manage everything, cope with a huge burden of caring for the family, while doing your business; consequently, we see an annual growth in the activity of women in the business environment. I'm glad that everything works out for you, and I'm glad that Atameken is involved in the development of women's entrepreneurship in our country," - Timur Kulibayev stressed.

In Mangistau region, the BWC of Atameken RCE actively began to develop industry sites known as the Associations. To date, five Associations have been created in the area of women entrepreneurship: the Union of Fashion Designers of Mangistau region, the Association of Craftsmen of Mangistau region, Interior Designers and Decorators of Mangistau region, Guild of Confectioners of Mangistau region and Private preschool and educational institutions of Mangistau region.

The number of female entrepreneurs is increasing, as the region has an understanding that business consists of not just oil. To date, over 23 thousand out of 53 366 SMEs, are headed by women (which is more than 44%). Of the employed in the SME, 35% of women are engaged in business, which indicates a good prospect of involving women in entrepreneurship, an increase in the number of self-employed women, especially in rural areas.

In the line of micro crediting through "Atameken" MFO, women have mastered more than 404 million tenge for just over 2 years; that means 75 projects out of 166 being implemented. The number of new workplaces created by women is impressive: 202 out of 408. The share of women activity in obtaining loans is now 41%. For 3 years of such financing, all districts show a good dynamics in loaning by rural entrepreneurs.

The BWC took the initiative to consider the possibility of introducing project as the "Living Legend" - Aniz Tulga.

Many countries have such experience, when people who possess unique technologies of crafts, are taken for full patronage by the state, or any other nationwide structure, in order to transfer their skills and unique technologies to students. Such "Living Legends" in Kazakhstan can be no more than 15-20 people, and maybe even less. We wish to have time to save something unique that we still have, believe the BWC of the Mangistau region.

The head of the National Chamber supported the proposal: "It is necessary to use this mentoring experience. We will make efforts to provide such a program with the akimats within the framework of the funds allocated by the state".

At the end of the Forum, promising areas for the development of women entrepreneurship in the countryside were announced: livestock development, light industry, including the beginning of the development of the direction for processing livestock products; the creation of educational centers for children and adults; the development of ethno-and eco-tourism in the form of spring-summer-autumn auls with the sale of local sour-milk products. These initiatives are based on the family business development.

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