
Timur Kulibayev: "Enterprises of SEZ can’t be deprived of support"

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Special investment contracts will be introduced in Kazakhstan, in which participants of SEZ will be able to obtain investment preferences

This was stated by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev in Shymkent at the meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region.

At the meeting, the entrepreneurs asked the most important question for South-Kazakhstan business related to the companies located in the Special Economic Zone. In connection with the entry into the WTO and EurAsEC, on January 1, 2017 end the basic preferences for enterprises located in Special Economic Zone - the abolition of VAT and customs duties. 43 production enterprises are located at SEZ, registered before 2012, and many of them have invested a lot in the construction of factories, hoping solely on stable preferences. However, after 2017 such privileges will be lost, which may adversely affect the activities of these enterprises.

General director of "Hlopkoprom cellulose" Kainar Abasov asked whether it is possible then to create from the Government side other forms of support for SEZ enterprises, for example, through subsidizing of costs, introduction of preferential tariffs, etc. in order to further support the priority sectors of the economy.

The head of the Presidium of NCE said that the problem is known to him, and the National Chamber regularly raises the issues at various state bodies. It is clear that, if customs privileges will be saved after 2017, the employment at enterprises could increase by 15%, in addition, it will create more than 620 permanent jobs that will ensure capacity load to 63% on average.

Timur Kulibayev, noted that "Atameken" studied experience of all enterprises located in the SEZs in Kazakhstan, and also studied the experience of neighboring countries. In the Russian Federation, for example, it is planned to subsidize the loss of paid import duties in excess of 66 billion rubles (303 bln.) for participants of SEZ, which are 800 companies.

"That is why we consider it necessary as an alternative support measures to introduce in Kazakhstan the special investment contracts in which participants will be able to obtain investment preferences at SEZ, - said the head of the Presidium "Atameken". - Thus, it will be possible to save money, which lose entrepreneurs. To do this it is necessary to introduce changes in the Entrepreneurial Code, freeing the participants of SEZ from customs duties from 1st of January 2017, but this requires special investment contracts concluded later this year".

He also noted that the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan supported by the Chamber in this issue, the Ministry of Economy is currently busy with economic calculations. The main thing now is to manage to include amendments to the law approved by Mazhilis that will come into effect on v January 1, 2017.

In general, all-round support of business interests – is one of the priorities of the National Chamber for 2016. The head of NCE announced the main emphasis, stressing that all the work will be based on how to achieve the best conditions for entrepreneurs in all sectors of the economy.

Timur Kulibayev particularly noted, the joint efforts of the Regional Chamber and Akimat of the region to improve the business climate in the region. Today SKR is a leader by many economic indicators and the number of businesses. Every fifth project in the country is implemented in South Kazakhstan. Recently, the region was named the safest region for doing business. It is also the result of successful cooperation between regional akimat and business, which is especially important in times of crisis.

Head of NCE praised the work of the Center for Support of Entrepreneurs of Sairam district, which he visited before the meeting: "This is a great help for business, where you get advice and help on how to get loans, and it is all in one place. People, who after address to RCE opened a business, thanked me today for launch of such centers, that operate around the country”.

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