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On April 24, the Central Communications Service hosted a briefing on the analysis of the content of educational programs in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since the end of 2017 NCE RK "Atameken" raised the issue of universities ranking and began work with the training of IT specialists. Employers and specialists of the region emphasized the actualization and opening of new programs. State bodies, business and "Atameken" formed the universities ranking, 66 educational institutions were evaluated.

"This is a ranking that can be divided into two large criteria: statistical data and expert evaluation. I would like to note that for universities this ranking should be considered as a free consultancy. Based on the results of the survey, all universities will be given recommendations on actualization. Each educational program was evaluated by at least three industry experts" - Olzhas Ordabayev, Managing Director of Human Capital Development Department of the NCE RK Atameken, said during the briefing.

The first stage included the analysis of the average wage and employment opportunities based on the depersonalized data of the SCPP, the analysis of the practical experience of the teaching staff made by the university of investments in the educational program, the facts of the development of educational programs, the catalog of elective disciplines, syllabuses in cooperation with industry associations and / or employers , data on international accreditation of educational programs.

One of the main criteria was the analysis of wages and employment opportunities of graduates.

The second stage included evaluation and analysis of the educational programs content gaps which was carried out with the involvement of experts from the leading IT companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Employers assessed the completeness of topics, the relevance of content and the novelty of the recommended literature.

As a result experts noted the unnecessary topics in educational programs and facts of using obsolete programming languages in teaching process.

 "We argued endlessly about whether the criterion "Recommended literature" is necessary. However, we realized that students devote more time to self-preparation and here we saw an area for growth. Not so many library funds of universities meet the requirements. For example, there was a literature of 1990s or 2000s. These materials are not relevant, as the IT sector is developing rapidly" Olzhas Ordabayev said.

As the vice minister of the Ministry of Education and Science Talgat Yeshenkulov noted, this ranking is being conducted to improve the quality of education. According to Talgat Eshenkulov, the evaluation will give direction to develop Kazakhstani universities and point out the gaps.

"Thanks to the ranking, students will be able to prioritize when choosing a university, and business, in turn, will assess the knowledge of a potential applicant" the vice-minister stressed.

The five best universities are as follows: Kazakh-British Technical University, International University of Information Technologies, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbayev, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the Narkhoz University.


"Many universities have pleasantly surprised, but most of the educational programs are out of date," notes co-founder of the "Method" School of Programming Dagar Davletov, member of the expert group on evaluation.

Experts proposed to include in the programs the disciplines most in demand on the IT market:

- Design, Interfaces, user interaction;

- Project Management in IT;

- Risk Management and Standarts in IT;

- Operating System Administration;

- Enterprise automation;

- Neural networks in the modern view.

Atameken plans to evaluate 2,000 educational programs. This will be 88 rankings by speciality.

It should be reminded that "Atameken" forms a database of appraisers from among the employees of various organizations and invites them to participate in the preparation of the ranking! The main requirements for candidates is professional experience for at least 5 years, as well as the industry's confidence in the candidacy. In order to become a member of experts team, it is necessary to submit an application on the form to the email address: or by reference. Contact numbers: 8 (7172) 919327, +77073540578. An additional meeting will be held with the candidate where all details will be discussed individually.

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