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The issue of introducing the national ranking of customs representatives was discussed under the chairmanship of Kairat Mazhibayev the Chairman of the Committee on Trade.

According to the Chairman of the Council of the Kazakhstan Association of Customs Brokers Gennady Shestakov, maintaining such a ranking will help to "deselect" unscrupulous market participants in foreign economic activity.

"It's no secret that the market is represented by conscientious people, as well as by persons who have problems with tax liability. This ranking is one of the steps in the transition to self-regulation. We want to create conditions for the legalization of economic entities," - Gennady Shestakov said.

For representatives of associations participation in the rating will be free. For representatives of the Kazakhstan market, participation is not limited. The document will include two parts: law-abiding and legality of economic activity. In turn, the law-abiding will be held in two stages. The tax load factor and the ranking of offenses will be taken into account.

"If a violation is related to the special payments collection, the position in the ranking is lost and becomes zero," - Gennady Shestakov noted​​​​​​​

He added that the ranking could include the risk management system and conditions for the legalization of economic entities. 

"I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the system of national ranking is necessary for business to participate in its formation. Our structure needs it" - the deputy chairman of the SRC RK Gosman Amrin highlighted​​​​​​​

On its behalf, the SRC RK asked the National Chamber to take over and lay the fundamental principle of ranking in order to reduce costs for business. According to Gosman Amrin this ranking will lead the parties to a responsible contract.

"Now it is important to quickly find a form of legitimacy for the ranking. Also, it must be open and constantly updated," - Gosman Amrin added​​​​​​​  

Kairat Mazhibayev noted that the risks on the part of customs representatives are corruptogenic. The Chairman of the Trade Committee gave instructions to develop similar rankings of exporters and importers.

"It was repeatedly noted that the risk management system is not perfect and consists of the participation of several market entities. Therefore, "Atameken" should consider the option of creating rankings of other participants in the system," - Kairat Mazhibaev concluded.​​​​​​​

Also during the meeting, the issue of modernization of trade markets was considered. According to the Committee on Statistics, there are 782 markets in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 525 of which are multipurpose. Multipurpose markets in the capital, cities of republican and regional significance, with a population of over 100 thousand people are subject to modernization. National chamber in its turn conducts work on the certification of the markets, the result of which will be data on the main economic indicators.

According to the expert of the Trade Department Adilbek Orumbayev, according to the results of the intermediate certification there are significant discrepancies.

"According to statistics, there are only 782 markets, 586 markets are certified. The number of employed people is 950 thousand people, while on certification there are 232 thousand people" - the expert introduced the example.​​​​​​​

In this regard, "Atameken" brought three issues to the agenda:

1. What other data should be requested from the markets within the scope of certification?

2. What are the prospects for further development of Kazakhstani markets?

3. The expediency of subsidizing markets from the state budget for their modernization.

Northern Kazakhstan markets representatives voiced their proposals for the questions posed. On the first question, it was proposed to request the building's passport, inventory records, in addition to the information already available. Also representatives of the business community added that the issue of building new trade pavilions is discussed annually.

"We need to build, because the market is not only a necessity, but also a mentality of the people. I must say that in North Kazakhstan markets contracts have been concluded between the owner and the trader, we have all the information about the individual entrepreneur. The construction of modern markets, which is carried out through subsidizing and reducing the rates by the "Damu" Fund are the prospect of developing market trade" - businessmen shared their opinion​​​​​​​

In general, Kairat Mazhibayev spoke positively about the ongoing work on the certification of markets. So National Council together with state bodies conducted an inspection of 57 markets in Almaty. During the inspection it was established that Kazakh entrepreneurs regularly apply to "Atameken" with a request to carry out the certification of non-residents.

"First of all, we defend the interests of national entrepreneurs. Certification revealed the problem and noted the growth dynamics of foreign traders, which occupy 80% of the Almaty markets, "- Kairat Mazhibayev said​​​​​​​

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