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Development of competition in logistics: "Atameken" discusses access of private sector to the backbone railway network

In Atameken, under the chairmanship of Kanat Alpysbayev, a meeting of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" took place with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE Yeldos Ramazanov and representatives of industry associations, business and government agencies.

One of the important issues on the agenda is a pilot project on organization of the access of private carriers to the backbone railway network.

"I ask my colleagues to assess the situation correctly, yes, we have started the work and we won’t stop. However, the private carrier should be aware what and how he will transport, who will handle the cargo, who will be responsible to the client? It is necessary to develop and explain these questions. I consider it necessary to create a large interdepartmental group, where we would discuss the existing issues. Probably, having worked it in the test mode, we will come to a uniform tariff methodology and to its implementation. It is worth noting that, given the tariff policy and technological issues, we will come to this in 2020-2021, not earlier," - the Chairman of the Committee Kanat Alpysbayev explained.

According to the MIR RK, to date, 28 licenses have been issued for the right to carry out activities in the field of freight traffic, of which 4 companies have applied for BRN.

"The main condition for transportation is the protection of the tariff for transportation activities. Only one of the four companies received a tariff for transportation. It is also important to have an information system that the carrier must possess. There is a number of restrictions in the rules for accessing the BRN, and it is necessary to jointly develop requirements that carriers must meet," - Deputy Chairman of the Transport Committee of the MIR RK Dmitry Potlov explained.

Member of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" Yeldos Ramazanov expressed his opinion on the need to develop a unified position and analyze the situation, supporting the idea of creating an interdepartmental group.

Business also did not stay aside in the discussion.

Thus, Larisa Smirnova, Deputy Chairman of the Transport Operations Board of TransCom LLP, noted an important detail, such as the need to legislate the functions of the National Operator, separately highlighting the requirements for private carriers.

"When creating an interdepartmental group, it is necessary to consider the opinion of the tariff regulator" - Zhannat Yertlesova, chairman of the Council of the "Association for the Development of Competition and Commodity Markets" said.

The participants noted the need to regulate the relationship between the National Regulator and private carriers.

"Atameken" is on the market’s side. To implement the tasks set, it is necessary to approach comprehensively, considering all interests and risks. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory impact, existing institutional, economic and technological problems related to access to the services of private providers. Positions of all sides should be taken into account, it is especially important to study the results of the pilot mode" - Yeldos Ramazanov said.

Summarizing, Kanat Alpysbayev asked the participants to start creating an interdepartmental group and to make new proposals.

"To create an interdepartmental group it is necessary to nominate candidates and make all available proposals for constructive dialogue from all sides: from business, from the state agency and "Atameken"" - Kanat Alpysbayev summed up.

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