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Representatives of Kazakhstan's business met with the assistant to the US Trade Representative for South and Central Asia Mark Linscott and the assistant to the US Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economics, Edward Gresser, at the Atameken site. The delegation also included employees of the Embassy of the United States in Kazakhstan and other American economic organizations.

The event was held with the assistance of the NCE RK "Atameken, Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan and the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana.

The main purpose of the visit of the foreign delegation was to familiarize the Kazakhstani business with the opportunities for participating in the US General Preference System (GSP) program, which implies duty-free access to the US market for more than 3500 types of goods.

Act. Deputy Chairman of the NCE Board Dinmukhamed Absattarov delivered a welcoming speech and informed about the main economic achievements in bilateral cooperation. "To date, Kazakhstan has registered more than 1,000 enterprises with US funds, of which 509 are active. 41 companies are engaged in the production of goods and 37 companies export products to other countries.

The confidence of American and international investors in the Kazakhstan economy is strengthening. US companies continue to take interest in the Kazakhstan market. In 2016, Kazakhstan accommodated such companies as Uber, Starbucks, McDonalds, Netflix, Primus Power and Spancrete.

Dinmukhamed Absattarov also brought some potential sectors of the Kazakh economy to the American side, primarily the agro-industrial complex and the production of organic products. Essential development potential is in the manufacturing industries, for the development of competitiveness of which comprehensive work is currently carried out.

Act. Deputy Chairman of the NCE called on the American side to explore the vast opportunities of Kazakhstan and actively participate in economic programs.

"The main commodities imported to the USA from Kazakhstan are ferrosilicon chromium (22%), ferrochromium (21%), ferrosilicon (16%), silicon (10%), tantalum (13%) and purified lead (9%). In general, exports to the United States in 2017 amounted to 779 million US dollars," - Edward Gresser, US Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economics, said.

It should be noted that for today our Republic is the 12th largest recipient of GSP. In 2017, domestic goods in the amount of more than $80 million met the requirements for preferential import within the GSP.

"Currently, about 2 thousand Kazakhstan commodity producers are engaged in constant export. As part of the state program of preferences, mainly ferrochrome, ferrosilicon, and other derivatives are exported. We are still interested in increasing the export of other products. There are some types of agricultural products that can be involved into this program. Also within the framework of this program it is possible to sell a lot of domestic products," - Ayan Yerenov, Chairman of the Board of the Foreign Trade Chamber, noted.​​​​​​​

The United States of America take the 6th place in the commodity turnover of the Republic of Kazakhstan among all countries: 5th place among the countries of the Western Hemisphere and the first place among the countries of the Amirican continent.

Imports from the USA to Kazakhstan prevail in mutual trade between two countries. According to official data, the trade turnover in 2017 amounted to 1 billion 645 million dollars (exports - 392,29 million, imports - 1 billion 253.5 million). Compared with last year, trade decreased by 241 million US dollars.

The Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan actively cooperated with the American company ASTM, dealing with standardization issues. They jointly organized a seminar with officials from KazTransOil and KazTransGas, as well as meetings with Galaksi group, the Technical Regulation Committee of the NCE RK "Atameken", a Skype conference with 3 companies in Kazakhstan: "Atyrau refinery", "CNPC Aktobemunaynaz" and "Chevron". The FTC conducted a large-scale work to collect applications among Kazakh entrepreneurs to participate in the 7th Annual World Entrepreneurs Summit (WES). Applications were provided to the US Embassy in Kazakhstan.

Annually, the FTC conducts widespread informing among the entrepreneurs of the RK about the beginning of the application process for the SABIT internship program ("Special American Business Internship").

Entrepreneurs and producers shown great interest in developing trade partnership with the United States. The questions asked dealt with different aspects. In particular, metropolitan businessmen specified the need for certification and labeling of goods and other possible requirements when applying for GSP benefits. According to the representative of the Trade Mission, this depends on the specifics of the products. If it concerns the Food or Health category, then, under American law, additional certification requirements will be needed.

One of the conditions for obtaining preferences within the GSP is the ban on trade in these products with third countries other than the United States. At the same time, certain categories of goods, including textiles and clothing, are not included in the priority sectors of development of cooperation with countries within the GSP.

Representatives of domestic business also asked Mr. Gresser to tell about platforms where it is possible to present Kazakhstan goods for American clients and companies. The head of the American delegation noted that the most effective platform for promotion are trade and business associations and of the United States, through which one can find the target audience and advertise products in the American market.

The remaining issues related to customs-tariff procedures, mechanisms for filing applications, priority goods, etc.

Dinmukhamed Absattarov suggested not to be limited to this meeting and urged the American delegation to intensify the work on expanding economic cooperation, primarily in the sphere of investment and promotion of Kazakhstan exporters in the US market. As an optimal tool, the development of a separate "road map" is proposed, in which it is expedient to prescribe the basic norms of the General System of Preferences for the business community in a simple and distinct language. This is possible through periodic meetings of representatives of Atameken and the US Embassy in Kazakhstan, which was supported by foreign guests.

"The overall goal is to provide conditions for long-term supply of quality products to external markets (including the US) as well as the exchange of technology and experience. I am confident that there is a big and responsible work ahead of us, that's why we must systematically go to the goals set," - Dinmukhamed Absattarov summarized.​​​​​​​

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