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Today at the Republican public reception office of the "Nur Otan" party Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Scientific and Production Enterprise "Atameken" Yeldos Ramazanov held a personal reception of citizens.

During the reception, the member of the Board of the NCE "Atameken" met with representatives of both small and medium-sized businesses from the cities of Almaty and Astana, as well as from the Turkestan and Pavlodar regions.

The questions with which the businessmen applied through the public reception office turned out to be very different, but the majority of the applicants basically asked to support them in implementing the projects, opening their own business.

So, individual entrepreneur Aigul Iskakova from Almaty told about her production of educational national products, toys made of wood. Such toys, according to the entrepreneur, help children with musculoskeletal disorders, and also contribute to the development of national culture.

"Atameken" supports similar projects, the microcredit program operates in the regions, it is also possible to pass a business course through "Bastau", where, having finished studying and defending your project, you can apply for its financing. Right now experts from the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty will contact you and will consult on all available support measures," - Yeldos Ramazanov supported the entrepreneur

Also problems raised with regard to the extension of the lease agreement for the trade pavilion and employment issues.

Yeldos Ramazanov spoke with citizens for almost two hours, discussing all the issues with them in detail and proposing concrete solutions.

Summing up, Yeldos Ramazanov stressed that the reception carried out clearly shows that businessmen always have questions, and that is more, there is a desire to develop, to open and expand their own business.

Atameken fully supports the desire of the population to start their own business. The The NCE implements and realizes new programs and support tools, it is enough to apply to the regional Chambers or their branches, where the consultants will give all the detailed explanations. Also "Atameken" has a number of training courses. The importance and effectiveness of the "Bastau" project was repeatedly stated by the Head of State," - Yeldos Ramazanov said.​​​​​​​

All the problems and appeals are taken to the control. It is worth noting that during the year "Atameken" repeatedly conducted personal receptions in the public reception of the "Nur Otan" party. At the beginning of 2018, Chairman of the Board of the NCE Ablai Myrzakhmetov, later Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE received citizens.

In general, since the beginning of this year, more than 30 people have been accepted, 85% of the issues have already been resolved positively, the rest are currently in work.

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