
Council of businesswomen of «Atameken» and business-ladies of Afghanistan start cooperation

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The Council of Businesswomen under the NCE RK "Atameken" was the first to support the regional initiative of the Head of State to assist Afghanistan by signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Women of this country.  

«The ceremony was held in Astana within the framework of the regional conference Women's empowerment in Afghanistan».

Signing the memorandum, the chairman of the Council of Businesswomen, Lazzat Ramazanova, noted that this event is an important and promising step in the process of establishing direct business contacts between women entrepreneurs of the two states.

«Today, the regional initiative, which was expressed by the Head of State, is supported by the NCE "Atameken" in the person of the Council of Businesswomen. I am sure that peace and economic security in a single country is a guarantee of regional stability. We are convinced that the memorandum signed by me and Mrs. Uafek (Manizha Uafek - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Women of Afghanistan, - auth. note), will contribute to the formation of business contacts. At the conference, the idea was voiced that our states cooperate in the person of male entrepreneurs. I am sure that the memorandum will correct this situation» - Lazzat Ramazanova said.

Within the framework of the memorandum, business women of Kazakhstan are ready to share their best business practices with their Afghani colleagues, to conduct information and educational events, technical trainings for the development of trade relations between states. Particular emphasis will be placed on cooperation in rural areas and the dissemination of agricultural products. In addition, Kazakhstan is interested in sharing experience on the creation of mini-industrial parks, since Afghanistan already creates a similar park specifically for business women.

«We thank our Kazakhstani colleagues for the cooperation. It's true, we are used to see that mostly men work together between our countries. Between women there was no cooperation in a strict sense. But this does not mean that we do not have women's entrepreneurship. The creation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Afghanistan women is a testament to the fact that the women's business in our country is developing and gaining momentum. We can say that our joint memorandum is the first experience that will lead to good results» - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Women of Afghanistan Manizha Uaifek noted.


Within the framework of the conference a panel session "Expansion of women's economic opportunities through regional cooperation" was held, moderated by Lazzat Ramazanova. Political and public figures of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and the USA took part in the event. The session repeatedly stressed that a favorable legal and social environment for the comfortable development of women's business skills and their involvement in entrepreneurship and social activities is developing in the countries of Central Asia.  

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