
Yeldar Zhumagaziyev: Screening determines course of business developmentin the region

- Aktobe Region
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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" began to conduct screening activities among business entities for a thorough study of the social and economic potential of the regions.

Since August 24 the project started immediately in three districts of the Aktobe region: Martukskiy, Kargalinsky and Algainsky. And today the first results of screening have been summed up. This was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" Yeldar Zhumagaziyev at the event chaired by the akim of the region Berdybek Saparbayev.

Within two weeks, a survey was conducted among 1,203 active business entities and 1,471 households in more than 70 localities in these areas.

Answers to questions were collected by doorbelling the houses of residents and using cell phone resources, as well as by data from government agencies, quasi-public structures or open sources. Every entrepreneur was registered, socially important objects of the region and cities were included in a special map, and work to determine points of growth and free niches in them is carrying out.

"Thanks to this work, we will be able to determine which specialties have a demand in the labor market, what kind of business should be developed in the region, and what goods and services the population needs. We hope that as a result of the screening, a business development plan will be developed in a certain region, an imbalance in the location of economic entities will be eliminated, state support measures will be adapted, and inter-city, inter-district, inter-regional economic ties will be established," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev pointed out.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE reported that research is being conducted in the Aktobe region, and along with it, the volume of imports in the region reached 183 thousand tons. As a result of the screening for each district of the region, the demand for products will be determined and, accordingly, the types of production will be determined, and a list of necessary specialists will be offered. These measures, in turn, will help to reduce the level of unemployment. Yeldar Zhumagaziyev called on state bodies to provide full support in the work of conducting the survey.

"We try to support every idea related to the development of entrepreneurship. With the development of business new jobs are being created, various social objects are being built. We especially support projects to ensure the work of the rural population. In order for entrepreneurs to develop and work, we propose to the Government to prolong state orders up to 5 years. And import substitution is a problem that we constantly work on. In this direction, we are ready to work together with Atameken," - the akim of the Aktobe region Berdybek Saparbayev emphasized.

In the course of the meeting, in connection with the increase in problems in the field of animal husbandry, at the initiative of the "Atameken" the Call Center for farmers was established in the Aktyubinsk region. With the help of the center, farmers can discuss their own problems with specialists. Also, the meeting raised the issue of professionalization of universities in the region. At the moment, the project team, which will conduct a short-term pilot study to determine the needs of specialists in the next two years, has started a survey on all areas of the region.

"We believe that the professionalization of universities is one of the most topical problems. In the future, this will enable the educational institution to train the necessary and quality cadres for the region. We are talking about the simple fact that the state order should be based on an analysis of the demand for specialists" - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev, Deputy Chairman of the NCE Board stated.

As a result of the meeting, akim of the region Berdybek Saparbayev instructed local executive bodies, akims of districts and cities to assist in the screening for a thorough study of the social and economic potential of the region.

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