
First SROs began working in Kazakhstan

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In accordance with the governmental policy of deregulating the economy, a new model law "On Self-Regulation" was adopted.

Thus, the conditions for the creation and functioning of self-regulating organizations both on a voluntary (increased requirements to entities without transfer of state functions) and on mandatory (introduced on the basis of laws with transfer of powers) membership (participation) of the subjects were legislated.

"Pioneers" in the mandatory self-regulation became appraisers. So, after legislative changes (January 10, 2018, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On appraisal activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan" was adopted), four SROs - Chambers of Appraisers - are already functioning successfully, each of which comprises at least 300 appraisers:

  • “The Capital Chamber of Professional Appraisers” (;
  • “Chamber of Professional Independent Appraisers” self-regulating organization” (;
  • “Central Union of Appraisers of Kazakhstan “BagalauQazaqstan” Self-regulating organization”(;
  • “Self-regulating organization of the Kazakhstan Association of Appraisers” (

It should be noted that the introduced system of self-regulation in appraisal activity has the following advantages:

  • Improving the quality of valuation services by developing evaluation standards for professional participants in valuation activities;
  • Highly qualified specialists will remain on the market; SRO is called upon to "cleanse" its ranks from unscrupulous appraisers,
  • Increasing the responsibility of appraisers to consumers, excluding from the SRO is a ban on the implementation of activities;
  • Extrajudicial procedure for resolving disputes between the customer and the appraiser, including on issues of compensation for harm through insurance payments;
  • Constant support and professional development of appraisers from the side of SRO;
  • Reduction of corruption risks, due to cancellation of the license and reduction of state functions in respect of appraisers.

Thus, the SRO is called upon to "unload" the state and resolve all issues related to appraisal activity. In this connection, in case of questions on the work of the appraisers, we suggest contacting the abovementioned SRO.

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