
Ablai Myrzakhmetov told how to identify thereal staffing requirement

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According to Atameken, not all graduates of colleges and universities find work, although enterprises continue to experience staff shortages.

The information was voiced during the parliamentary hearings to discuss the problems and prospects for the development of the employment sector. According to Ablai Myrzakhmetov, up to 489,000 students are trained in colleges annualy, of which 263,000 - at the expense of the state. By the end of 2021, it is planned to train 188,000 people, but the question arises if they will find a job in the future?

"According to our research, there is a discrepancy between the needs of the market and the training of personnel in educational institutions. It is obvious that now it is necessary to apply the methodology, which will help determine the real need of business for professional personnel, nationwide," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov said.

In the pilot mode, the methodology was tested in the Aktyubinsk region, where the need for more than 700 specialties was identified. For example,there is a lack of tracktor drivers in the region. According to preliminary results, only this year farmers are in need of 302 tractor operators, although 191 people are trained in colleges and training centers. By 2020, the need for such specialists will grow to 329 people.

Another problem, on which the Chairman of the Board of the NCE drew attention is the lack of professional diagnostics among schoolchildren. Annually, out of 354,000 school leavers, 21,000 can not be enrolled either by the college or by the university.

"Atameken" has studied the experience of Scandinavian countries, where they are trying to determine the children's inclination to the profession and develop their talents from the 5th grade. Now, in Kazakhstan, in the pilot mode, professional diagnostics of schoolchildren will begin, which in the future will be conducted on a systematic basis," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov explained.

The speaker also noted that when training the workers' professions it is necessary to transfer the practical part into the real sector of the economy. "Atameken" considers it expedient to send a part of the state order from colleges to enterprises, as 60% of the time the students spend there.

In addition, the business conducts work on self-training in the short-term training program, and this is more than 200 professions. For today, enterprises can conduct independent training of personnel in almost all industries.

"We believe that there is no need to train specialists for 2-3 years. Workers can be trained for 6 months, but this requires redistribution of funding in favor of short-term training," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov said.

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