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The Head of State said this, speaking with the Message to the people of Kazakhstan on topical issues of socio-economic development of the country and tasks to further improvement of the welfare of Kazakhstan.

“The government needs to take effective measures to reduce the shadow turnover in the economy by at least 40 percent for three years. In order for the business to work from scratch, I instruct you to start the amnesty for small and medium businesses from January 1, 2019,” - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

In addition, the Head of State commissioned the extension of the term of the State Business Support and Business Development Program “Business Road Map 2020” until 2025.

“It is business that creates new jobs, provides most of Kazakhstanis with income ... In 2010, we launched, if you remember, the “Business Road Map 2020”. As part of my visits to the regions, I became convinced that this is an effective program. The program should be extended until 2025. Secondly, it is necessary to additionally provide at least 30 billion tenge annually for its implementation,” - the President instructed.

He noted that the program of business support will allow creating at least 22,000 new jobs during three years. In addition, according to Nursultan Nazarbayev, it will provide 224 billion tenge of taxes to the budget and three trillion tenge for production.

During the annual Message, the Head of State noted that the government also needs to strengthen the work on import substitution and focus on supporting exporters, developing the “economy of simple things”.

“Politics should stop being toothless. It is necessary to make it proactive in nature, aimed at promoting our products to regional global markets. At the same time, we need to help our enterprises expand a wide range of products, develop the so-called “market of simple things” ... It’s time for us to engage in consumer goods. We forgot and missed it ... Today we need to support our own products. I showed you: I put on and the costumes of our producers all the time. They are ten times cheaper,” - the President of Kazakhstan added.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that such work is important not only from the standpoint of realizing the export potential of domestic enterprises, but also in terms of saturating the domestic market with Kazakhstan goods.

“The less a state imports goods, the more independent it is, - the Head of State noted. - You know how Belarus protects its own producers. What happened to Kyrgyzstan, how they fought. Our people are silent, they argue with no one. Because they are accustomed to the fact that top management can only argue with someone. Everyone must fulfill his duty and protect our business and its passage to other markets around us and to third countries. This is important not only in terms of export potential, but also as a measure to saturate the domestic market.”

Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed the National Bank to provide banks with early tenge liquidity in the amount of not less than 600 billion tenge.

“Saturation of the domestic market should be the main guideline of our government. I instruct the government to support the manufacturing industry I instruct the government to allocate 500 billion tenge to support the manufacturing industry and non-commodity exports over the next three years. I am instructing the National Bank to provide early tenge liquidity to banks at least 600 billion tenge for affordable lending of priority projects,” - the Head of State assigned.

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