

- Karaganda Region
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Businessmen from Abay turned to the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region, who united in a consortium and are trying to rebuild a local garment factory on their own. According to them, this is already a problematic issue, and the staff of the state revenue department throws new obstacles. The fiscal authorities arrested the account due to the non-submission of supporting documents. But representatives of the consortium assure that they did not receive any clarification on this matter.

Three companies of the Karaganda region - "Stezhok" LLP, "Kyzgaldaktai" LLP and "Malyuk" IE received grants from the state of 3 million tenge for the purchase of sewing equipment. The companies united in a consortium and began restoring the Abay garment factory. Fixed assets - the building and equipment - are assigned to the "Stezhok" LLP. Employees are documented to two other companies. However, entrepreneurs have problems with fiscal authorities.

“We have some kind of tense relations with the State Revenue Department of Abai district. They close our accounts on a regular basis. I need to pay for the heating radiators to the Turkish side - I can not do it. Employees need to pay wages - I can not pay. The last time the account was closed for some, in my opinion, contrived and not understandable reasons. Such conversations can not be conducted on such a level! They can not to decide on the closure of the company's account, which now employs about 100 people, on this basis! Our investment project can now simply collapse! We cannot get loans anyway, since no bank wants to go to Abai. Well, at least do not interfere! We do not use "gray" schemes, we transfer the salary to the cards. The average salary is about 100 thousand tenge. Social taxes, pension contributions are paid regularly,” - Nurkhan Zhumabekov, Director of “Stezhok” LLP, said at a meeting of the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights.

The head of the State Revenue Department of the Abay district, Alexei Esfanov, explained that entrepreneurs did not submit outsourcing contracts between firms to the tax authorities so that employees could be traced to social accounting.

“These contracts were not presented to us, as a result of which, in accordance with the Tax Code, we were forced to fulfill our obligations. Our every action is controlled by the Ministry. Therefore, I consider the claims that are put forward by "Stezhok" LLP to be unreasonable, ”says Alexey Esfanov.

According to him, the enterprises, where the staff is assigned, have just started to quickly make social calculations for previous years. However, Nurkhan Zhumabekov demanded to open accounts and show that the money was reported in those years, but the declaration was issued just now.

We received a notice of closing the account on September 9, on the same day I was on the tax committee. I was not told a word about outsourcing contracts. Today, I heard about it for the first time.

Kairat Orkashbaev, deputy head of the State Revenue Department of the Karaganda region, interceded for his colleague, explaining that earlier the explanations of the business entity were sufficient to comply with the tax authority's notice. Only two words “I do not agree” could be written in the note, and on this basis the notification of the violation was considered fulfilled. There weren’t any cases of accounts closing before. But starting this year, tax authorities are entitled to require supporting documents and to fall back on to extreme measures in the case of their absence.

Such a statement didn't satisfy the members of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs.

“You have the right to come to the enterprise and to conduct a thematic check! And then to figure out everything on the spot and demand the necessary documents. Why should you immediately take drastic measures and arrest accounts? By your actions, you actually paralyzed the work of the enterprise,” - Gennady Zhmuk, Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, interceded for the sewing business.

The discussion was continued by the chairman of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs Serik Toregeldin.

“We are not yet connecting the akimats, the prosecutor’s office, or anti-corruption agencies to the issue. We ask you to understand the situation objectively,” - the head of the Council asked the state revenue bodies.

The meeting participants decided that the "Stezhok" company would bring outsourcing contracts to the tax authorities, and they would check the accrual of salaries in the IP "Malyuk" and "Kyzgaldakty" LLP. If there are no violations, the State Revenue Department will cancel the seizure of the accounts.


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