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How the republican exhibition retained in memory in 2018

From October 12 to October 13, a republican contest “The Best Goods of Kazakhstan” was held in Astana, which really surprised by the level of organization, number of guests, assortment and quality of the products presented.

This year the competition gathered a record number of participants at the regional stage - 1163 manufacturers. 153 of them came to Astana to fight for the best-of-the-best title. Recall that at the competition entrepreneurs traditionally compete in three nominations. "The best commodity goods", "The best consumer goods", "The best food products".


«How much is it? Wrap it up!»

One of the features of the republican exhibition is the opportunity to buy goods at producer prices. Visitors came to “Korme” and very few people left empty-handed.


1 500 tenge for a bucket with a children's building set? Easy. Shukhrat Yuldashev from Shymkent fulfilled his long-cherished dream of making children's toys. Now building sets, sand sets, quad bikes under the "Navruz" brand are produced in the region.

“We ourselves bought different toys for children. And when the son went to China, he brought the idea to create our own goods. I took out a loan of 10.5 million tenge from the state, bought machines and achieve the dream,” - Shukhrat Yuldashev shared his story.

Not far from the toys windows with clothes, pajamas, socks and bedding lined. Guests could try on, were interested in prices, bought products for themselves and for beloved ones.

Astana residents passed with stands with industrial goods with interest. One of the winners of the regional competition is "Bark Technology" LLP. The company manufactures devices for the extraction of sputum from the lungs. In Kazakhstan hospitals, devices have been used since 2014 and are made to order. The equipment is designed and manufactured in Astana.

“The vibroacoustic apparatus is used in the pulmonology and resuscitation department for the treatment of lungs. We have received a registration certificate on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Belarus, and the completion of registration on the territory of the Russian Federation is near. The device is successfully used; we receive a lot of positive feedback from doctors,"- the representative of the company Kristina Petrashova said.


                                                                                     Carrying on the traditions

Guests of the exhibition did not pass by the pavilion of the “Apiary of the Pilipushko family” from the North Kazakhstan region, decorated with lamps and flowers. In addition to honey, shelves were full of were candles, candies, honey gift sets - all natural. And honey cosmetics! By the way, the apiary of Pilipushko family has existed since 1985 and is already known abroad. Not surprisingly, the company has become the best at the regional level.

“Cosmetics is my hobby. Beekeeping is our family profession. A start was made by my great-grandfather. Over time, his business took a turn for the better, the first results appeared. And I'm a fourth-generation beekeeper. In Russia, I received a higher education, got a lot of literature on the breeding of bees," - Yaroslavna Pilipushko said.

The company "AS" exists on the market for 18 years and last year the company opened its own fisheries, where rainbow trout is bred. In the summer, 17 pontoons with a total area of 504 square meters were installed on the Irtysh River; more than three and a half tons of fry were delivered. Today the range of the company is represented by 11 species of trout, herring, laminaria and caviar.

                                                                                           All or nothing!

The newcomers are lucky and this was proved by “The CHEF delicatessen” IE from Astana. The founders of the gastronomic shop are cook Artem Marchenko and his wife Yekaterina Karikh. The shop began to work in 2017, in 2018, the couple decided to try their hand at the regional competition “The Best Goods of Kazakhstan”.

“We are primed to victory only, - Yekaterina Karikh says. - Many people call us lucky because went to the republican stage. We'd better calm down, but we want to win."

Like any cook, Artem faced difficulties in choosing meat. And, without thinking twice, he applied the German experience with the product in Kazakhstan.

“We have natural products, we work mainly with restaurants, - Yekaterina said. - Our product can be purchased only in Astana, we have two brand stores”.

Not too wide geography is rather a plus of the company, since it is associated with a small shelf life of products - 7 days. Many, having heard about natural meat, imagine transcendental prices. But in stores, according to Yekaterina, you can often meet retirees.

“We are chosen for quality. Prices are affordable by today's standards, natural cooked sausage costs from 1,500 tenge,” - the girl says.

Beekeeper Anatoly Dobrovolsky from Akmola region is also called “child of fortune” at the competition. The queue at his counter dispersed only for dinner, giving the entrepreneur a chance to eat.

“I have been engaged in beekeeping for 4 years, this year we decided to test ourselves and took part in the exhibition. It is a very good event, I did not even suspect that we produce such goods,” - the manufacturer shared his impressions.

Entrepreneurs - participants of the exhibition not only showed their products, but also held two-day workshops, held B2B meetings in order to find new partners. After two days of work, the commission chose the finalists.

And already on October 15, at 9 am, online voting will be open on the website, where anyone can choose from 27 finalists for the “Best Goods of Kazakhstan”. Winners will be awarded in December.



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