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The priority directions of the Message of the Head of State were discussed at the meeting of the Deputy Prime Minister of the RK Yerbolat Dosayev with the officials of the southern capital.

As noted at the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" Yeldar Zhumagaziyev, in his Message, the President ordered to protect the business from unlawful administrative pressure and threats of criminal prosecution, announced a tax amnesty. According to the Ministry of Finance, now about 90 thousand of small and medium-sized businesses have tax debts as of October 2018, of which 10.7 thousand are in the city of Almaty.

“We understand this as the Head of State’s concern for entrepreneurship and must adequately respond with an increase in the level of service, taxes and the creation of new workplaces,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev said.

In turn, the prolongation of the state program "Business Road Map 2020" will give a multiplying social and economic effect until 2025. In the current year, an additional 1.7 billion tenge was allocated from the local budget to increase the business activity of SMEs. Since the beginning of the implementation of "BRM-2020", more than 8,000 jobs have been created in Almaty, over 31 billion tenge of taxes have been paid to entrepreneurs who received support from the program.

“Since “Atameken” is an operator in the fourth direction of “BRM-2020”, we are constantly working to improve the program. Since July 2018, free services can be obtained both at the Entrepreneurs Service Centers and online, at the portal. More than 2 thousand Almaty entrepreneurs have already taken advantage of this opportunity. For the convenience of business in the field of trade we plan to place consultants for accounting and legal services in major markets of Almaty in the near future. In addition, the list of activities in which taxpayers must use cash registers with the function of fixing and transmitting data is now expanded (supplemented by 17 types of activities). Now, within the framework of service support, we will train entrepreneurs in the main markets of Almaty to use ERP - these are systems with an integrated cash register function that allows you to systematize goods accounting and promotes transparency of activity,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev said.

To support the manufacturing sector of the economy, the Head of State ordered to allocate more than 600 billion tenge. The National Chamber has already carried out certification of more than 300 enterprises of Almaty, in seven sectors. Systemic problems were idintified, including insufficient workload and limited financial resources.

“Now the Government, "Atameken" and local executive bodies, as well as banks, are discussing effective mechanisms for the development of the country's manufacturing industry. And we believe that for Almaty it is a challenge: to build a real food belt, fill the market with domestic products, a network of wholesale distribution centers, modern storage facilities. And second, given the large annual population growth, this is the development of the textile industry and the light industry as a whole,” - the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber said.

Yeldar Zhumagaziyev focused on the development of human capital. According to him, now the level of employment will be the measure of effective training in colleges and universities. From this year, Atameken forms a rating of universities according to employment criteria, the compliance of the material and technical base and training programs with the market requirements, etc. Evaluation is made by experts with extensive experience in a particular industry. Starting from 2019, college ratings will be prepared according to similar criteria.

In addition, a method for determining personnel needs for the near future is being tested now in pilot mode. And on its basis there will be a reorientation of colleges and approaches to placing a state order in the colleges of the country will be changed.

To determine the professional skills of schoolchildren, the Head of State commissioned to conduct a diagnosis of students. This decision is considered by the NCE to be extremely important.

In addition, "Atameken" is ready to launch, in a pilot mode, an analysis of popular professions in Almaty through a detailed survey of employers, as well as using the big-data opportunities.

“This year in the Message it was announced that the 2019th year will be declared the year of youth. During next years we will build a cross-cutting system of business education. We have hatched this idea for several years and we want to offer to equate students' theses with start-up projects. The idea was supported by the Association of entrepreneurial universities. Starting next year, we are creating a pool of microfinance organizations, and rectors of universities are ready to provide guarantees for theses, which will be funded through these MFIs. We ask you, Yerbolat Askarbekovich, to support and enable to lend the start-up projects of students through these MFIs. In this regard, I think that Almaty should show leadership,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev addressed Deputy Prime Minister.

If we talk about purchases, their total volume in Almaty is about 900 billion tenge, the share of local content is 50.4%. To increase this index, a target indicator for purchasing managers was approved, which will determine the level of participation of domestic producers.

“But we see that there is a problem: the website of the Ministry of Finance has one statistics, the akimats have another and, in general, the final document is made by the contractor himself, and often this is not entirely correct information and there is no responsibility. In this regard, now we are preparing an automated accounting system, which reads and "tightens" the commodity items that are produced by domestic companies. That is, now any construction project that is being conducted for budget funds can be monitored for Kazakhstan content from the very beginning. Baurzhan Kydyrgalievich, you are the head of the local content commission. I think that in the near future we will be able to provide you with a real picture of the use of domestically produced goods by contractors, so that you can make decisions within your authority,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev voiced.

Another offer of Atameken is to conduct quick surveys of Almaty businessmen "in real time" and receive feedback from the business via mobile phones.

“This mechanism is widely spread in megacities of Southeast Asia and is a system of push-notifications. We have a current database of business owners. I think that such a platform will allow us to quickly analyze the social well-being of the residents of our southern capital, including entrepreneurs, and make quick decisions on them,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev explained.

In addition, according to the experience of a pilot project in the Aktobe region, the National Chamber proposed screening in Almaty. It will allow to identify new promising niches for the development of entrepreneurship and to create an interactive geo-information map of development with a clear specialization and definition of the geolocations of the subjects.

“This is, in fact, a marketing tool that will allow entrepreneurs to see real population traffic and heat maps of incomes of a particular house, neighborhood, street,” - Yeldar Zhumagazyiev concluded.

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