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The development and implementation of the Kazakhstan business ecologization model takes time, entrepreneurs believe.

This was announced at a meeting of the Committee for the Geological Industry, Mining, Coal and Metallurgical Industry of the Presidium of the NCE RK Atameken, chaired by Nikolay Radostovets, with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber Yeldos Ramazanov, representatives of government agencies and entrepreneurs.

Yeldos Ramazanov noted that the introduction of the best available technologies, including automated monitoring of emissions into the environment, is a valid tool in all OECD countries. It is used in many developing countries. EAEU partners - Russia and Belarus - will start using it.

At the same time, as part of the reform of environmental legislation, businesses need to understand what costs and benefits the new code implies.

“The concept of the environmental code has been adopted, but the questions remain. The basic principle of the concept is known - “the polluter pays” and “transition to the best available technologies” (BAT). But we have two main questions - the cost and the time. How long does business need to implement BAT, and how much will it cost? European countries spent 2.5 years on the development of reference books BAT, and Russia - 7 years. And we want to quickly implement all of this. I think it makes sense to study the Russian experience and to develop the Kazakhstani model of business ecologization on its basis, with real deadlines,” - Yeldos Ramazanov said.

In turn, the Committee Chairman Nikolay Radostovets noted that environmental reforms are extremely important for the mining industry. “Today, one of the aftereffects of subsoil use are tons of non-processed overburden grounds, which are formed during the quarry operations.

Conscientious non-proprietors want to recycle them and, thereby, reduce waste from their activities. But the extremely regulated legislation, which requires a lot of time and financial costs, does not stimulate such work,” - Nikolay Radostovets said.

In addition, the Chairman of the Committee proposed to submit an initiative to the Government on amending the Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use with a number of amendments relating to stimulating the processing of man-made mineral formations.

Also at the meeting were announced the results of the international competitions WorldSkillsHi-Tech - 2018.

 “Kazakhstan was represented by the largest national team. Representatives of the largest enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex of the country participated in the fight. We performed very worthy at these competitions, won 10 medals. I am sure that such events emphasize the quality of Kazakhstan’s human capital and the high professionalism of our specialists,” - Talgat Doskenov, chairman of the Committee for the Development of Human Capital of the NCE RK Atameken, said.

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