
Railway disputes. What is stalling the development of freight forwarding business?

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The problems of the freight forwarding industry were discussed at the next meeting of the Subcommittee on Railway Transport of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the Scientific Production Enterprise "Atameken".

During the meeting of the Subcommittee, the issues discussed by the business community for several years in cooperation with the authorized bodies in the field of customs procedures, investments and interaction of participants in the transportation process were raised.

"It has not yet been decided to create conditions in Kazakhstan for the storage of detained bulk cargoes, to develop a mechanism for reimbursing expenses of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC and other market entities, when various works are performed to execute customs procedures, but violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and The EAEU has not identified a need for a freight wagon fleet for the next 20-30 years to further attract investment in this market, on the development of Model Contracts between the carrier and the freight forwarder on the organization of cargo transportation s "- said the Chairman of the Subcommittee Ilya Segal.

“There are issues that are beyond the competence of our ministry, but we are working on them,” explained Daniyar Kospabayev, head of the Railway Transport Department of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. “As for the legal assessment of the Model Contracts, at the moment we cannot provide it, as long as the ministry does not have competencies for this.”

"Atameken" asked the authorized body in the field of transport to give not a legal, but an industry assessment on 5 disagreements on the draft Model Agreement between JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy "and freight forwarders. "This is in your power," said Rustan Dzhenalinov, Managing Director - Director of the Logistics and Transportation Department of NCE.

In addition, in accordance with the protocol decision of the meeting of the Working Group of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NPP RK "Atameken" on transport policy of June 5, 2018 on the parliamentary initiative, the norm on empowering the authorized body - MID of the Republic of Kazakhstan with competence to approve standard agreements on the organization of cargo transportation by rail between the Carrier and the Forwarder is being considered at the Working Group of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to prepare an opinion on the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On introducing changes and amendments to some e legislative acts on transport. "

“The antimonopoly authority also cannot provide a legal assessment, referring to the fact that the Model Treaty is an agreement of economic entities. And only the forwarding business bears losses, ”added Ilya Segal.

In turn, Daniyar Kospabaev assured:

“MFA RK is conducting analytical work, the calculation of the need for freight cars for the next 5-10 years is prepared and we will provide it to the business in the near future.”

According to the Chairman of the Subcommittee, the service life of one car up to 30 years and investors see risks in investing.

Also, the meeting participants discussed the creation of healthy competition and the interaction of all participants in the transportation process in the rail transportation market, taking into account the emergence of new private carriers.

The Chairman of the Subcommittee focused on the issues implemented this year. So, the Rules of interaction of the customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the national railway company, the national carrier in the field of railway transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan during customs control of goods and vehicles transported by railway transport, the Procedure for providing preliminary information on goods intended for importation into the EEU customs territory maintaining the position in the list of imported goods when purchasing rail cars.

Following the meeting of the Subcommittee Ilya Segal thanked the participants and noted that by the end of the year it is planned to form and approve the Roadmap of the Subcommittee on Railway Transport for 2019, and therefore recommended that everyone submit their proposals.

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