
Creation of an online portal, involving all stakeholders, will allow to conduct a comprehensive prevention of accidents and save the business from unnecessary checks

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To conduct a comprehensive prevention of accidents and save the business from unnecessary checks will allow the creation of an online portal, with the involvement of all stakeholders.

This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" Olzhas Ordabayev at the republican seminar-meeting in Karaganda - "The social policy of companies: experience and development prospects" was held in Karaganda.

“In our opinion, there is an urgent need to create a platform solution, on the basis of which it will be possible to conduct full monitoring of the situation, taking measures, preventing and preventing accidents in the workplace. We began to discuss this issue with colleagues from the Federation of Trade Unions and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. We are convinced that the creation of a single online portal in which employers, trade unions, labor inspectorates will be able to reflect emergency situations, violations, conflicts, results of inspections and recommendations, will allow us to strengthen work on preventing accidents, ”said Olzhas Ordabayev.

The speaker noted that the portal, open to all the organizations involved, will provide an opportunity to quickly respond to emergency situations, carry out on-site control only if there are signals and violations.

“In the remaining cases, it will be possible to conduct only cameral control, as well as conduct analytics, which, of course, will make it possible to carry out activities to prevent and prevent injuries. Thus, business entities in a timely manner making information about the state of labor protection and labor relations with minimal risks can be exempt from inspections. The introduction of this system will reduce the budget expenditures for man-hours of inspectors and thus will cover the costs of creating an online tool, ”Olzhas Ordabayev is sure.

The measure will also strengthen the system of checks and balances in the relationship “employer-trade union-labor inspection”. “If the employer did not report the existence of a particular situation on the portal, the trade union will definitely do this,” says the deputy chairman of the board of enterprise.

First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Askar Mamin, in turn, said that today the Government is taking all the necessary measures to drastically improve the quality and accessibility of the dialogue between employees, employers and the state.

“Over the past few years, the number of labor disputes has decreased by more than five times. To ensure further progress in this area, systemic measures are being taken: an algorithm has been developed for the interaction of state bodies and social partners to prevent labor disputes, and republican employers' associations have actively joined in the work. On the basis of NPP "Atameken" created the institute of labor ombudsman. The protection of the rights of workers to timely and full remuneration of labor will be strengthened, ”said the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

In the course of the seminar-meeting, it was also discussed about ensuring safe working conditions, preventing mass release of workers, discrimination in the exercise of labor rights of workers in companies with foreign content.

The first leaders of such flagships in the economy told about the development of corporate social responsibility at their enterprises: ArcelorMitallTemirtau JSC, Kazakhmys LLP, Eurasian Group LLP, Kazzinc LLP, as well as the chairman of the sectoral commissions on social partnership and regulation of labor relations in mining and smelting industry Roman Sklyarov.

The republican-level event consisted of two parts. In the morning, issues of activity and the role of trade unions of the tripartite commissions on social partnership and regulation of labor relations were reviewed. The second half of the day was held with the participation of First Deputy Prime Minister Askar Mamin, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Madina Abylkasymova and regional akim Eralan Koshanov.



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