
Risk management system remained a formality – Rustam Zhursunov

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In its current form, it does not reveal a danger to consumers and does not improve the system of business inspections.

This was announced by Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Scientific Production Enterprise RK Atameken, at the III Business Protection Forum “Supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Sphere of Entrepreneurship”.

"Atameken" together with the MNE RK is working on the deregulation of business. According to the speaker, a drastic reduction in controls and inspections may affect the safety of goods and services. As part of the Roadmap, Atameken proposes to build a system that will allow focusing on violators, and to exempt bona fide business from unreasonable inspections.

In 2018, the National Chamber together with the Prosecutor’s Office conducted an analysis of six areas of the risk management system. Violations were identified. For example, in the labor inspectorate, out of the established 30 criteria, only 4 are used. Although the main task of the system is to identify and eliminate the risks of tragedies, reduce the burden on business, increase the effectiveness of inspections, the Board member stressed.

“The approach has remained formal. None of the government agencies is trying to completely revise the system, ”Rustam Zhursunov emphasized. - “Atameken” at the site of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented approaches to revise the inspection system, conducted training seminars for state bodies with foreign lecturers. However, things are still there. ”

Today, there is an acute problem of state databases. Currently there are more than 330 of them, but all of them are not integrated and contain incomplete information about entrepreneurs. The National Chamber proposes to create a single business register integrated with all databases of state bodies.

“In the end, it will be useful for everyone: the business, the state and the consumer. Business will see its customers and suppliers, evaluate their reliability, the state will build an effective control system, and the consumer will choose safe goods and services,” the speaker said.

A similar system operates, for example, in Russia. With its help, in 3 years it was possible to reduce the number of one-day firms by 3 times, the accuracy of the system is 95%. In the business registry will be entered indices of reliability (integrity), due diligence and payment discipline.

Also, the Roadmap includes the problems of excluding individual checks from the general order. Police officers during inspections of the sale of alcohol and tobacco products to minors themselves decide who to check, which creates conditions for corruption, Rustam Zhursunov emphasized.

The National Chamber plans to conduct an analysis of the checks and, following the results, initiates their return to the general order.

“For example, there are facts when only a part of shops are checked on one street. The situation is similar to veterinarians checks. These checks are not registered, we do not know: who and how often they check, whether there were violations, what measures have been taken. ”

The National Chamber plans to conduct an analysis of the checks and, following the results, initiates their return to the general order.

The fourth direction of the Roadmap is the identification and solution of the systemic problems of entrepreneurs. According to Rustam Zhursunov, this work remains a priority of the National Chamber of Commerce and the Prosecutor General’s Office.

“This year, 70 problematic issues were sent to the General Prosecutor’s Office from the Republican registry of problems, 31 of which were jointly resolved during the year. 65 problems were addressed at the regional level, 43 were accepted for work.”

Another area is conducting research on specific issues of law enforcement. Property rights protection mechanisms need to be improved. The speaker noted that in practice there are plenty of opportunities to seize a business.

To date, the existing mechanisms for the protection of property rights require improvement, since in practice there are plenty of opportunities to seize business, said Rustam Zhursunov.

License revocation, tax and other inspections are raiding factors and the current Criminal Code does not protect against them.

“The National Chamber plans to conduct an analysis of appeals of unreasonable actions of the criminal prosecution authorities. Identify the causes of unreasonable interference of the investigating authorities in business activities and propose measures to reduce the red tape of investigations and inaction of law enforcement agencies, ”Rustam Zhursunov told about the plans.

An important direction of the Roadmap is the strengthening of business responsibility. “Atameken” realizes the need for equal protection of the interests of both business and the state, and the consumer, and acts as an initiator in introducing imputed insurance, enhancing self-regulation, and enhancing professional and ethical business standards.

The issue of applying imputed insurance for objects with a mass gathering of people is also being worked out. This question is reflected in the Road Map "On improving the security of facilities with a massive stay of people."

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