
Обществу нужен всесторонний «портрет предпринимателя»

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Atameken proposes to create a single information base for an independent assessment of business entities, in order to ensure the quality of goods, works and services.

Today in Kazakhstan there are 332 information bases that are not integrated, are updated at different intervals and duplicate each other. It is virtually impossible to get complete information about enterprises and manufactured goods from one source.

The National Chamber of Directors proposes to create in open access a Unified Business Register integrated with the databases of government agencies, which will ensure a balance of interests of consumers, business and the state.

“The base will be useful both for business, and for the state and the consumer. A business will be able to see its customers and suppliers, evaluate their reliability. This will increase the responsibility of entrepreneurs. The consumer will be able to easily choose safe goods and services. The state will build an effective control system, will have a reliable statistical base for the formulation of state policy for the development of business and economic sectors. In general, the business register will allow to reveal the facts of pseudo-business, bankruptcy, corporate corruption and the obligations undertaken by business, ”says Yerbol Ustemirov, managing director of NPP RK“ Atameken ”.

For efficient operation of the Register, Atameken proposes to include indices for evaluating existing enterprises on such indicators as “trustworthiness, business integrity”, “due diligence”, “payment discipline”.

“We studied international experience in implementing an assessment system. For example, the Russian system "SPARK" contains qualitative data on all companies, aimed at checking and assessing the solvency and reliability of companies, counterparties, managing credit and tax risks, marketing, investment analysis, and search for affiliation. This system today uses the business community, government agencies, consumers and journalists. And in 3 years, it has allowed to reduce the number of one-day firms by 3 times, ”says Yerbol Ustemirov.

The introduction of a unified business registry will also improve the position of the state in international ratings of information transparency. In the ranking of the Open Data Barometer, which estimates the government for placing data in an open format, and what social and economic benefits this gives, Kazakhstan in 2017 took the 59th place. Russia for two years was able to climb 28 lines up and took 13th place.

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