
Pushing issues of the geological industry were discussed at the subcommittee hearing.

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Questions of the readiness of the geological industry to introduce the Code of Law "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use", training and advanced training of geological personnel, as well as the strategy for replenishing the mineral resource base of Kazakhstan were discussed at the 2nd meeting of the subcommittee of the geological industry of the Atemeken Scientific Production Enterprise of the Presidium.

The subcommittee was attended by representatives of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the MID of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the executive committee of POONEN, and the Kazakh National Research Technological University named after KI Satpayev.

In her report, the chairperson of the subcommittee Galina Baymakhanova focused on several topical issues of the industry: the need for adequate and stable funding, competent planning and design of geological exploration of the subsoil, the availability of modern infrastructure and qualified personnel, as well as scientific support of work at all stages of the study of the subsoil.

To ensure more effective work on replenishing the country's mineral resource base, the meeting participants unanimously supported the expediency of discussing the development of qualification requirements for potential suppliers of works and services for geological study of the subsoil of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The necessity to clarify the current legislation regarding the non-applicability of the requirements of Article 6 of the Law “On Public Procurement” when conducting public procurement for geological study of the subsoil with a specific separation of restrictions on construction and geological exploration was supported. Introduction of an effective system of field materials accreditation taking into account the opinion of the professional community. The allocation of groundwater in a separate type of minerals with the introduction of all processes related to their study, search and evaluation in the regulation of the Code "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use" and transfer of groundwater to the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the MID of RK.

The next item on the agenda was the consideration of issues of training and advanced training of geological personnel. The speakers on this issue were the chairperson of the subcommittee Galina Baymakhanova, representatives of the KazNRTU after KI Satpayev, the Geological Prospecting College (Semey).

The main barriers that hinder the development of the education system were the legislative base, the lack of high-quality professional standards, educational programs and an effective system regulating the recognition and assignment of qualifications.

Participants of the meeting did not pass by the issues of training young geologists who are trained by the KF Zhas Geolog. The participants agreed together with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NCE "Atameken" to develop recommendations for further improvement of the training system for the geological industry.

Another issue that was also raised during the meeting is the strategy for replenishing the mineral resource base of Kazakhstan. A report on the topic was made by the chairman of the executive committee of the POONEN, Georgy Freiman. During the report, the reasons for the lack of an effective exploration system in Kazakhstan, as well as specific proposals for the modernization of the industry were mentioned.

“The recommendations outlined during the meeting will be sent to the Presidium of NCE RK Atameken, as well as to all interested state authorities of the country,” summed up Galina Baymakhanova, chairperson of the subcommittee.

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