
Standard contracts for state procurement are an unbearable burden for the suppliers. – Rustam Zhursunov

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The current system of public procurement in Kazakhstan is imperfect and requires improvements - now it is built on the principle of price, not quality. As a result, the customer and the contractor fall into the trap of "economic inefficiency of the transaction." With suggestions on how to improve the model of public procurement, at the Republican conference was made by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NPP RK "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov.

The conference on the topic “Prevention of corruption and the formation of anti-corruption culture in the road sector” is held in Kostanay.

“One of the main problems is dumping thresholds. A striking example is the construction industry, where there is a decrease in cost, despite the legislatively established tariffs. The anti-dumping measures taken in 2015 had the opposite effect and allowed unscrupulous suppliers to artificially lower the price. As a result, such actions lead to a deterioration in the quality of work, disruption of order fulfillment terms, the use of various “gray” schemes, and waste of budget funds. In this regard, the National Chamber has made proposals for revising the minimum dumping thresholds. We propose to establish them at the level of the Law on Public Procurement, ”believes Rustam Zhursunov.

Another problem - a significant predominance of procurement from a single source. This is a violation of the principles of equal opportunities and fair competition, Rustam Zhursunov believes. As of October 1, 2018, about 2.5 million purchases (2,589,476) totaling 2.6 trillion worth of purchases were made in Kazakhstan using this method. tenge, which is 73% of the total purchases. In this regard, the National Chamber supported the proposal of deputies: if the tender did not take place, then purchases from one source are not carried out.

“Subcontractors should be subject to the same requirements as the main suppliers,” Rustam Zhursunov is convinced. - This is a common international practice, particularly in the oil and gas sector. Supplier reports should include the work done by their subcontractors. ”

Rustam Zhursunov considers one of the ways to solve systemic problems is the introduction of prequalification selection, which is still not carried out in government procurement. And this is despite the fact that the PKO system was launched in 2016 and is successfully used in the Samruk-Kazyna Foundation. An agreement has been reached with the Samruk-Kazyna Foundation on delegating the functions of the audit of companies within the PKO to the National Chamber of Commerce. It is planned to develop common approaches to the PQS mechanism, taking into account the needs of customers and the current status of manufacturing enterprises.

“The main task is to reduce the burden on business through a uniform approach to assessing the quality, resources and potential of suppliers,” said Rustam Zhursunov. - Within the framework of the Draft Law, the National Palaty made proposals on the integration of information systems for the formation of a Unified access point for procurement. The implementation of the project “Single window of procurement” has already begun on the basis of LLP Center for Monitoring and Market Expertise.

This portal allows you to view 5 procurement sites in one window. Potential suppliers can get all the information they need on purchases of interest in the context of industries, regions, prices and volumes. The system allows you to see the price corridor, as well as to identify risk areas with specific products and procurement organizers.

In general, according to Rustam Zhursunov, the current practice of public procurement in Kazakhstan contradicts the international one. The choice of a potential supplier, focused on a low price, causes problems for both the supplier and the customers.

Meanwhile, in the European Union countries, the bulk of contracts are not based on price criteria. The winner is not the supplier who offered the lowest price, but the one who scored the highest score according to the Scoring Model.

The National Chamber plans to conduct an in-depth study of the legislation of foreign countries in order to assess the possibility of their application in Kazakhstan.

At the end of the meeting, for the joint implementation of the Charter of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption, a Roadmap was signed between NPP RK Atameken and JSC NC KazAvtoZhol. Within the framework of the Roadmap, KazAvtoZhol will undertake voluntary commitments to introduce anti-corruption mechanisms, corporate governance standards, corporate ethics codes and best procurement practices.

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