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The Chairman of NCE “Atameken” Ablay Myrzakhmetov paid special attention to the problems relating certification during the Government meeting.

According to Ablay Myrzakhmetov, in 2018, the Kazakhstani authorities issued 224 certificates for cement imported from Iran, China and other countries, 199 out of these certificates were issued in violation of the legislative requirements.

Last year, the size of fines for violations in the field of technical regulation increased threefold, and the limitation period was extended from two months to three years.

“However, these measures will not give the desired effect if there is no preventive control, which will be recommendatory in nature without imposition of an administrative penalty,” Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

In addition, he suggested to introduce a special procedure for audits in accreditation companies instead of preventive control,” the Chairman of the National Chamber said.

Another problem to improve the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers is the issuance of the conditional certificates, last year Kazakhstan limited the importation of children's toys. However, unscrupulous businessmen continue to violate the legislative requirements, they continue importing toys without any appropriate certificate. At the same time, the penalty for non-submission of certificates to the customs authorities makes only 20 MCI.

The Chairman noted that the current situation does not encourage importers to comply with the requirements of the law and adversely affects fair competition.

"Since 2019 the NCE “Atameken" is going to issue the industrial certificates to domestic producers. To solve the problems, described above, the NCE “Atameken" and the Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute (KIDI) is going to develop a List of products manufactured by the domestic producers. Atameken will come up with proposal to ban the issuance of the conditional certificates for goods included in the List. This will improve the regulation in this matter and increase the responsibility of the business,” Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

“If the public associations fail to control the issuance of certificates, then the Government together with the Chamber may return these functions under the state supervision,” the Prime Minister instructed at the Government meeting.

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