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The representatives of authorized state bodies, natural monopolies and business entities operating in the field of land management discussed the issue of availability of information on land plots designated for the construction and issues on network of utility lines at the meeting on a platform of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

During the meeting the experts discussed the following issues concerning:

• information on engineering communications should be made freely available;

• publishing information on vacant land plots;

• problems with holding auctions;

• general issues related to the development of detailed planning projects and the receipt of origin documents for design;

• possibility of developing a single design of interactive maps for all areas following the example of an interactive map of Astana.

In addition, the experts discussed the experience of Georgia with land reform, which proceeded as follows:

1. The state allowed citizens to find vacant land plots for construction;

2. A citizen finds a vacant land plot and hires a company engaged in land survey to determine the boundaries of the land plot;

3. Further the information about the land plot is reported to the municipality, which holds auctions on the basis of the submitted documents.

As a result of the land reform in the period from 2005 to 2008, a large area of land was transferred from state possession into private ownership. Budget income from land sales made more than 13 per cent of all revenues to the state budget, whereas in 2004 it was only three per cent.

Meanwhile the main goal of land reform in Georgia was not to receive financial benefits for the state, but to increase the productivity of land use, since the best owners of land are private owners.

The experience of land auctions has shown that there is a high demand from the citizens. The auction form of land sales is the most efficient and provides maximum development of all land settlements, as well as promotes the development of entrepreneurship and opening of new jobs.

In this regard, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs proposed to carry out a reform on the maximum development of land using the experience of Georgia and take the following measures:

• government and akimats should announce the reform of mass land development;

• any citizen or a company has the right to find and offer vacant land plots for auctioning;

• land plot can be sold at open auctions, every citizen has the equal rights to participate in the auction;

• to attract specialized companies for land surveying. These companies should be permitted to propose vacant land plots for auctioning.

Atameken proposes to stimulate and motivate these companies:

• to reimburse their costs of land surveying not less than twofold or more;

• compensation must be made after the sale of land plot at auction, this will facilitate the search for liquid land and potential buyers;

• costs can be included in the cost of land.

• ensure transparency of auctions and respect for equal rights of all citizens.

In addition, in order to reduce the costs of entrepreneurs it was proposed to develop uniform requirements for interactive maps of settlements, which should display detailed planning projects, red lines, vacant land plots, network of utility lines with their capacity and access points.

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