
Working Group approve over 100 amendments to the bill to improve the Labor Code

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The systemic problem of creating safe working conditions is a lack of motivation of the employer and employee in personal safety. This issue has been  discussed during the meeting of the Committee for Social Sphere and Social Partnership of the Presidium of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

 According to the chairman of the Committee Talgat Doskenov, much attention is paid to the issues of improving labor legislation and regulating labor relations. Following the results of 2018, the state labor inspectors conducted 8.7 thousand inspections, during which almost 12 thousand violations were identified.

“About 9 thousand violations were revealed only in the sphere of labor relations, 2 486 - on safety and labor protection. More than 5 thousand prescriptions were issued to employers and over 2 thousand fines were imposed in the amount of 402 million tenge. We need to ensure transparency of industrial injuries, analyze data, build communication with the parties, and train people responsible for labor protection,” Talgat Doskenov said.

He also added that it is necessary to constantly improve labor legislation based on a systematic analysis of the practice of its application and taking into account international experience in this field.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the current year developed a draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on labor issues”.

“This work was started in 2018 within the framework of the Expert Group on the Analysis of Law Enforcement Practice of Labor Legislation and continued this year within the framework of the Working group. The Working group consists of representatives of Atameken, accredited private entrepreneurs and large enterprises. We held more than 60 meetings and reviewed more than 200 amendments to the Labor Code,” chairman of the Committee for labor, social protection and migration of the Ministry of labor and social protection of population of Kazakhstan Akhmadi Sarbasov said.

The bill included more than 100 amendments adopted by the Working group. The main changes and amendments to the labor legislation cover regulatory issues:

- Labor Relations

 - social partnership

- occupational safety and health

In particular, there are such amendments in the sphere of regulation of labor relations, electronic labor contracts, social guarantees, social partnership, issues of settling labor disputes and the content of social partnership agreements.

However, not all amendments are supported by the working group unanimously. According to the Ministry, their inclusion in the bill will be possible after a consolidated decision of the working group.

In turn, a large number of amendments caused anxiety to entrepreneurs. According to Talgat Doskenov, business understands responsibility and gradually creates safe working conditions. However, the modernization of production and the introduction of modern technologies requires serious investments.

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