
I learn something new and important - Kazakhstani businessman about internship in Germany

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The entrepreneur Bekzhan Alimkulov has passed the competitive selection for an internship in Germany within the Business Connections project of the Atameken NCE RK. Bekzhan is a founder of Aru Tas company manufacturing concrete products, namely paving stones.

The paving stones made by Aru Tas are covered over 150.000 square meters of the capital, that is the territories of the airport, Expo, Zelyonyi qvartal residential house and a pedestrian bridge, which Atyrau  donated to the capital.

Bekzhan Alimkulov is visiting various enterprises, getting acquainted with potential partners and learning the peculiarities of their production in Germany. The main purpose of the internship is to become familiar with the work methods, equipment and the organization of finished material warehouses of German manufacturers.

“Other participants and I have received good theoretical knowledge and good impression from German trip. When visiting enterprises I make notes to introduce something into my production, for example, technologies and methods of work. If we talk about paving stones, in Germany I saw a variety of textures and types. It is also possible to improve the production technology of paving stones so that it lasts longer, and introduce a new cleaning system. After internship I think we have no tilled field of work in Kazakhstan, and we have something to strive for, ” he said.

Now the Aru Tas company  is negotiating to expand the plant in Astana and opening of new plants in other regions of Kazakhstan. Bekzhan has already agreed on the supply of equipment and technology with the German companies.

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