
Atameken offers new trade development tools

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The prospects for the development of the trade sphere were discussed at the meeting of the relevant committee, with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Timur Kulibayev.

The trade sector is a leader in the number of involved entrepreneurs. According to the chairman of the trade committee of Atameken Kairat Mazhibayev, 44% of businessmen are involved in it, and 1.3 million workers are employed. The share of hyper-, supermarkets and chains accounts for 18% of the total retail turnover, minimarkets and convenience stores occupy 38%, the rest - more than 40% are open markets, pharmacies, perfume shops (cosmetics) and kiosks.

Kairat Mazhibayev told, that Atameken introduced legislative amendments to improve the conditions for conducting trading activities last year. One of the innovations is associated with the abolition of retro-bonuses for the socially significant product line in supermarkets, which automatically reduces the costs of suppliers.

 “At the same time, it is impossible to dictate conditions or specific suppliers to supermarkets for cooperation. Any supplier can enter the supermarkets if they meet certain requirements and standards. Our initiative is to promote learning these requirements. To do this, we need to coordinate commodity producers and big business, so that they can share their experience, explain and help. Separately, it is necessary to launch educational marketing programs, so that entrepreneurs use modern tools, increase their brand awareness and conquer the market,” Kairat Mazhibayev said.

On the initiative of Atameken, the norm came into force according to which akimats not only allocate space for non-stationary objects of trade (“shops on wheels”) but also state the desired route of movement. The measure is relevant given the growing popularity of such a business. At the same time, Atameken introduced legislative amendments that prevent unscrupulous buyers from abusing their rights to the detriment of business (cancellation of return of promotional items at initial cost).

A serious trend in recent years, according to Kairat Mazhibayev, is the development of e-commerce. Large electronics stores claim an increase in the share of online sales to 15% and predict further growth. The obvious advantage of online trading is the reduction in shadow turnover. It is profitable for entrepreneurs themselves to go online and enjoy exemption from income tax.

In turn, Chairman of the Atameken Presidium Timur Kulibayev noted the need to respect the responsibility of the owners of trading markets. In addition to profit, landlords must ensure the safety of sellers and visitors, as well as the compliance of objects with the necessary technical requirements.

In general, Atameken intends to consolidate the interests of the trade sector as much as possible.

“The trade sphere is very wide - it is both local shops, large retail, and small markets. It is important to consider all interests through the creation of industry associations. Atameken has already begun such work at the regional level. Associations will help to form a consolidated position of the trade sphere, which will be a weighty argument in the dialogue with government agencies,” Timur Kulibayev summarized.

According to the results of the meeting, Timur Kulibayev said that it was necessary to continue systematic work on solving the problem of gray imports, supporting domestic producers, increasing the competitiveness of products and entering neighboring foreign markets.

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