
Experts consider introduction of electronic employment contracts in Kazakhstan

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Kazakhstan plans to launch the Unified System for Recording Electronic Labour Contracts in 2020.

The representatives of the relevant associations and business community discussed the introduction of the Unified System for the Record-Keeping of Electronic Labour Contracts, in particular, the results of the regulatory impact analysis provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting has been held on the Atameken platform.

"The introduction of records is aimed at facilitating the activities of the employer. The system will facilitate the process of employment, it will collect the entire labor history of the employee, information about his parallel employment. There is personal files' electronic introduction. The employee will be able to find a job more quickly, and the system will be especially convenient for employees providing remote services. We want to keep records of employed citizens," Baglan Zhalposhov, Director of the Labor Department of the Ministry, said. 

It is expected that the system will allow seeing how many citizens have labor relations, what kind of labor activity and working hours they have. No responsibility for ignorance of the contract is provided. Also, entering data into the system is a voluntary matter for the employer.

This is the third time that this issue has been discussed in the Atameken NCE RK, the purpose of which is to form a consolidated opinion of the business community on the advisability of this regulatory mechanism.

"There are many issues. For example, the staff list is almost non-existent in foreign companies. Then we would like to see the results of a pilot project of   17 organizations. So far, we do not fully understand which organizations have become participants, what problems we have faced," Talgat Doskenov, Chairman of the Human Capital Development and Social Policy Committee of the Presidium of the Atameken NCE RK, said.

It should be noted that the Labour Code does not contain a concept of a labour schedule. Previously, the business community asked for non-disclosure of information about the employee's salary, which automatically invalidates the contract.

"As long as we are not sure about the data leakage and system perfection, we would not want to disclose it. This means that we will not cancel the paper contracts yet, we will still conclude them. We support that the filling of the system will be voluntary. As the enterprises, where, for example, 5,000 people with 30 years of work experience are employed, it will be difficult to fill in and check all the data manually. This is a new staff unit, which should be paid their salaries," the Executive Director of the Human Capital Development Department of the KAZENERGY Association Lyazzat Akmurzina said.

Summing up, Talgat Doskenov noted that business as a whole supports the system, but it requires parameters of the algorithm of permanent improvement in the process of its introduction.

 "The system should be clear to the employer and work efficiently and be safe. We ask to provide data on the results of the pilot project to see what problems the business had to face: to take into account all advantages and disadvantages of the pilot projects’ implementation and avoid mistakes in the mass implementation of the accounting system in small, medium and large businesses, which have their own specific features and capabilities," Talgat Doskenov said.

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