
It's not a tax - Atameken on mandatory membership fees

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The Atameken NCE RK commented on the record of a telephone conversation between an entrepreneur and an employee of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty that appeared in the network. Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK Eldar Zhumagaziev expressed the position of the National Chamber on his page on Facebook.

"Having called to the call-center, the businesswoman expressed disagreement with payment of obligatory membership fees, calling them an "entrepreneur's tax".

This conversation was in mid-July, the entrepreneur recorded the conversation on audio and placed it in a working chat. On the day of distribution of the audio recording, Nariman Abilshayikov, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, met with the entrepreneur and provided all the necessary information," Eldar Zhumagaziev said.

He stressed that there is mutual understanding, and there are proposals from the side of the entrepreneur. As for obligatory membership fees, they are paid only by entrepreneurs with total annual income above 60,000 MCI and therefore with annual income of over 144 million tenge. The amount of payment for emergencies is 202,000 tenge, monthly it is about 17,000 tenge. As of today, there are 1 million businessmen in Kazakhstan and only 2% pay the membership fee, accordingly 98% of all subjects of business of Kazakhstan are released from payment of membership fees. Remind that the Atameken NCE RK by the decision of the Congress exempted small businesses from payment of fees until 2022.

"If in the first few years the number of payers of the mandatory membership fees was 40%, then every year the number of the business is growing, today 70 percent of payers of the mandatory membership fees pay the fees to the National Chamber. It is important to understand that during the entire period of the National Chamber's work there was not a single case of bringing to responsibility the business for non-payment of the membership fee. This is our principled position. Contributions are paid by those who consider it necessary. Therefore, it is not a tax," Eldar Zhumagaziev said.  

Also, the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber reminded that more than 27 thousand appeals had been received for the protection of business during the work of the Atameken NCE RK and it was possible to defend and preserve the property rights of the business to 133.6 billion tenge, including the canceled fines, penalties, additional charges and prevented property losses.

Separately, Eldar Zhumagaziev emphasized that together with the Atameken entrepreneurs were able to improve and develop the Laws. All draft laws and regulations relating to business are subject to mandatory approval by the business community and the Atameken NCE RK. 75% of all comments and suggestions of business are included in the draft laws and regulations.

"The Atameken NCE RK together with the Government has significantly simplified and improved the business environment in Kazakhstan. The number of inspections was reduced to 183,000 (2013) and 105,000 (2018). The total period of inspections was reduced by 2 times (from 30 to 15 days, for unscheduled inspections - from 30 to 10 days).

The number of permits to be issued to entrepreneurs was reduced by 72%. It was 1115, and it was 315.

The number of different requirements for entrepreneurs was reduced by 58%.

There were 30,500 and 13,000 requirements. (The number of business requirements from 11,000 to 1,700reduced only in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service).

Administrative fines for entrepreneurs were reduced by 30% (157 offenses). Businesses were able to pay fines with a 50% discount (similar to individuals, for example, in case of traffic violations).

Also, the VAT threshold was increased from 30,000 to 114,184 monthly notional units.

At the end of July, the Atameken NCE RK also opposed the introduction of mandatory pension contributions from the employer at a rate of 5% and considers it unacceptable to further increase the burden on the business and takes a firm stance on the revision of these rules.

"This is the tenth part of the work done by the Atameken NCE RK, which directly or indirectly touched every entrepreneur. A lot of time will be spent on enumerating facts and figures, so I will just leave a link, which you can read about the work of the Chamber. In addition, from Monday we will start a series of publications on the results of work for 5 years. Keep an eye on the news," Eldar Zhumagaziev said.

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