
Atameken hosted Jubilee Congress of Business Women's Council in Nur-Sultan

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The results of the first five-year plan were summed up by Kazakhstani businesswomen during the jubilee congress of businesswomen of the Atameken NCE RK. By the way, the Council of Businesswomen has a total of 1,730 successful business owners across the country.

Gulshara Abdykalikova, Chairperson of the National Commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spoke about the role of women in the formation of global and local economic indicators

"According to the World Bank, the world is losing up to $30 trillion a year to women's untapped opportunities. Therefore, the progressive community is interested in strengthening the role of women in politics, economy and social sphere. To expand women's opportunities, a presidential decree approved the Concept of Family and Gender Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030," Gulshara Abykalikova said.

According to her, women take an active part in the implementation of absolutely all programmes, including Rukhani Zhangyru, Digital Kazakhstan, contribute to the introduction of elements of the fourth industrial revolution. More than 52% of individual entrepreneurs, as well as 43% of SME managers, are women, who provide jobs for about 1 million people.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Atameken NCE RK, emphasized the achievements of businesswomen.

"For 5 years you have shown the highest example of organization and responsible attitude to your business. We, men, need to learn from you. During this period a lot has been passed and done. I am particularly pleased with the work you are doing in our country," Ablay Myrzakhmetov said to the participants of the Congress.

Chairperson of the Businesswomen's Council of Atameken Lazzat Ramazanova spoke about the results of the work.

"Over the years of active social work, members of the community have conducted 1,500 events to support the women's business community, with the participation of more than 10,000 women. And last year, in the framework of the 4th Congress of the Council of Business Women, the heads of the Regional Councils established the Fund to Support Women's Entrepreneurship. The creation of the Fund makes it possible to solve the common problem of access to finance for all entrepreneurs through the mechanism of microloans. A memorandum has already been signed with Halyk Bank and the first programme of preferential microloans for women entrepreneurs has been launched. We can count as the successful experience the opportunity to organize the first ALTYN OIMAQ competition among Kazakhstani fashion designers and the first Light Industry Forum, which will be held in the capital in the coming days," Lazzat Ramazanova said.

The issue of training women in rural areas remains important. This year the Atameken together with the Asian Development Bank held training in 8 regions of Kazakhstan.

"Women are simply pulled out of their usual environment, everyday life and transferred them to more comfortable conditions. This allows you to try something you have never seen or done before, work together with strong coaches. Women living in rural areas need a little support, both informational and financial," Aigul Akchalova said.

İlgü Tuğbahan, the chairperson of the Kayseri Entrepreneurship Union (Republic of Turkey), told how women in Turkey are being helped to master new technologies and are also being taught economic literacy. Currently, the Union unites 7,000 Turkish women leaders in their fields of entrepreneurship, academics, and representatives of civil society.

"Our union has taken on a policy development mission to ensure both qualitative and quantitative growth of women entrepreneurs in our country and support them in every possible way. We are working on economic, political and social issues. As part of the My Sister project, which we are implementing with partners, we have been able to train 9,300 women in digital literacy, information security, financial literacy and applied finance. As you know, in 2018, our organization, the Atameken and the Turkish Businesswomen's Council met and signed an agreement to promote joint economic interests," İlgü Tuğbahan said.

The President of the UAE Businesswomen's Council Farida Al Awadhi also showed women's solidarity. According to her, Arab women face many challenges on their way to development.

"We're proud of the Arab woman, wherever she is. Despite all the difficulties, she was able to overcome the obstacles and break through her way. An Arab woman can succeed when she can make decisions. We are very pleased that more than 200 of our women are on the list of those who have made great strides in the world," Farida Al Awadhi said.


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